

This structure holds a single message parameter and formatting settings for it. The structure has fields for string, long, double, date time and nested messages. Only one will be used depending on the type of data sent. For date, double and long it is possible to set additional formatting details.

JSON Example
    "s": "string",
    "dt": "string",
    "i": 0,
    "d": "number",
    "l": {
        "id": "string",
        "params": {
            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
    "format": "string",
    "precision": 0

String value associated with the parameter. this field will be set when string value is used.

string As date-time

Date and time value associated with the parameter. Use the LocalizationParam.format field to specify date and time display style. this field will be set when date and time value is used.

integer As int64

long value associated with the parameter. this field will be set when long value is used.

number As double

The double value associated with the parameter. The number of displayed fractional digits is changed via LocalizationParam.precision field. this field will be set when double value is used.


The NestedLocalizableMessage structure represents a nested within a parameter localizable string or message template. This structure is useful for modeling composite messages. Such messages are necessary to do correct pluralization of phrases, represent lists of several items etc.


The LocalizationParam.DateTimeFormat enumerated type lists possible date and time formatting options. It combines the Unicode CLDR format types - full, long, medium and short with 3 different presentations - date only, time only and combined date and time presentation.
SHORT_DATE : The date and time value will be formatted as short date, for example 2019-01-28
MED_DATE : The date and time value will be formatted as medium date, for example 2019 Jan 28
LONG_DATE : The date and time value will be formatted as long date, for example 2019 Jan 28
FULL_DATE : The date and time value will be formatted as full date, for example 2019 Jan 28, Mon
SHORT_TIME : The date and time value will be formatted as short time, for example 12:59
MED_TIME : The date and time value will be formatted as medium time, for example 12:59:01
LONG_TIME : The date and time value will be formatted as long time, for example 12:59:01 Z
FULL_TIME : The date and time value will be formatted as full time, for example 12:59:01 Z
SHORT_DATE_TIME : The date and time value will be formatted as short date and time, for example 2019-01-28 12:59
MED_DATE_TIME : The date and time value will be formatted as medium date and time, for example 2019 Jan 28 12:59:01
LONG_DATE_TIME : The date and time value will be formatted as long date and time, for example 2019 Jan 28 12:59:01 Z
FULL_DATE_TIME : The date and time value will be formatted as full date and time, for example 2019 Jan 28, Mon 12:59:01 Z

integer As int64

Number of fractional digits to include in formatted double value. this will be set when exact precision is required for rendering double numbers.