Cis REST APIs Operations Index

Cis REST APIs Operations Index

All available Cis REST APIs Operations

Add To Used By Category Id

Adds the usedByEntity to the CategoryModel.used-by subscribers set for the specified category. If the usedByEntity is already in the set, then this becomes an idempotent no-op. To invoke this operation, you need the modify CategoryModel.used-by privilege on the category.

Create Category

Creates a category. To invoke this operation, you need the create category privilege.

List Category

Enumerates the categories in the system. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the individual categories. The list will only contain those categories for which you have read privileges.

Delete Category Id

Deletes an existing category. To invoke this operation, you need the delete privilege on the category.

Get Category Id

Fetches the category information for the given category identifier. In order to view the category information, you need the read privilege on the category.

Update Category Id

Updates an existing category. To invoke this operation, you need the edit privilege on the category.

List Used Categories Category

Enumerates all categories for which the usedByEntity is part of the CategoryModel.used-by subscribers set. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the individual categories.

Remove From Used By Category Id

Removes the usedByEntity from the CategoryModel.used-by subscribers set. If the usedByEntity is not using this category, then this becomes a no-op. To invoke this operation, you need the modify CategoryModel.used-by privilege on the category.

Revoke Propagating Permissions Category Id

Revokes all propagating permissions on the given category. You should then attach a direct permission with tagging privileges on the given category. To invoke this operation, you need category related privileges (direct or propagating) on the concerned category.

Add To Used By Tag Id

Adds the usedByEntity to the TagModel.used-by subscribers set. If the usedByEntity is already in the set, then this becomes a no-op. To invoke this operation, you need the modify TagModel.used-by privilege on the tag.

Create Tag

Creates a tag. To invoke this operation, you need the create tag privilege on the input category.

List Tag

Enumerates the tags in the system. To invoke this operation, you need read privilege on the individual tags. The list will only contain tags for which you have read privileges.

Delete Tag Id

Deletes an existing tag. To invoke this operation, you need the delete privilege on the tag.

Get Tag Id

Fetches the tag information for the given tag identifier. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the tag in order to view the tag info.

Update Tag Id

Updates an existing tag. To invoke this operation, you need the edit privilege on the tag.

List Tags For Category

Enumerates all tags for the given category. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the given category and the individual tags in that category.

List Used Tags

Enumerates all tags for which the usedByEntity is part of the TagModel.used-by subscribers set. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the individual tags.

Remove From Used By Tag Id

Removes the usedByEntity from the TagModel.used-by subscribers set. If the usedByEntity is not using this tag, then this becomes a no-op. To invoke this operation, you need modify TagModel.used-by privilege on the tag.

Revoke Propagating Permissions Tag Id

Revokes all propagating permissions on the given tag. You should then attach a direct permission with tagging privileges on the given tag. To invoke this operation, you need tag related privileges (direct or propagating) on the concerned tag.

Attach Tag Id Tag Association

Attaches the given tag to the input object. The tag needs to meet the cardinality (CategoryModel.cardinality) and associability (CategoryModel.associable-types) criteria in order to be eligible for attachment. If the tag is already attached to the object, then this operation is a no-op and an error will not be thrown. To invoke this operation, you need the attach tag privilege on the tag and the read privilege on the object.

Attach Multiple Tags To Object Tag Association

Attaches the given tags to the input object. If a tag is already attached to the object, then the individual operation is a no-op and an error will not be added to TagAssociation.BatchResult.error-messages. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the object and the attach tag privilege on each tag.

Attach Tag To Multiple Objects Tag Id Tag Association

Attaches the given tag to the input objects. If a tag is already attached to the object, then the individual operation is a no-op and an error will not be added to TagAssociation.BatchResult.error-messages. To invoke this operation, you need the attach tag privilege on the tag and the read privilege on each object.

Detach Tag Id Tag Association

Detaches the tag from the given object. If the tag is already removed from the object, then this operation is a no-op and an error will not be thrown. To invoke this operation, you need the attach tag privilege on the tag and the read privilege on the object.

Detach Multiple Tags From Object Tag Association

Detaches the given tags from the input object. If a tag is already removed from the object, then the individual operation is a no-op and an error will not be added to TagAssociation.BatchResult.error-messages. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the object and the attach tag privilege each tag.

Detach Tag From Multiple Objects Tag Id Tag Association

Detaches the given tag from the input objects. If a tag is already removed from the object, then the individual operation is a no-op and an error will not be added to TagAssociation.BatchResult.error-messages. To invoke this operation, you need the attach tag privilege on the tag and the read privilege on each object.

List Attachable Tags Tag Association

Fetches the list of attachable tags for the given object, omitting the tags that have already been attached. Criteria for attachability is calculated based on tagging cardinality (CategoryModel.cardinality) and associability (CategoryModel.associable-types) constructs. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the input object. The list will only contain those tags for which you have read privileges.

List Attached Objects Tag Id Tag Association

Fetches the list of attached objects for the given tag. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the input tag. Only those objects for which you have the read privilege will be returned.

List Attached Objects On Tags Tag Association

Fetches the list of TagAssociation.TagToObjects describing the input tag identifiers and the objects they are attached to. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on each input tag. The TagAssociation.TagToObjects.object-ids will only contain those objects for which you have the read privilege.

List Attached Tags Tag Association

Fetches the list of tags attached to the given object. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on the input object. The list will only contain those tags for which you have the read privileges.

List Attached Tags On Objects Tag Association

Fetches the list of TagAssociation.ObjectToTags describing the input object identifiers and the tags attached to each object. To invoke this operation, you need the read privilege on each input object. The TagAssociation.ObjectToTags.tag-ids will only contain those tags for which you have the read privilege.