

The Shares structure provides specification of shares. Shares are used to determine relative allocation between resource consumers. In general, a consumer with more shares gets proportionally more of the resource, subject to certain other constraints. . Warning: This structure is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.

JSON Example
    "level": "string",
    "shares": 0

The Shares.Level enumerated type defines the possible values for the allocation level. Warning: This enumeration is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.
LOW : For CPU: Shares = 500 * number of virtual CPUs. For Memory: Shares = 5 * virtual machine memory size in MB. . Warning: This constant is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.
NORMAL : For CPU: Shares = 1000 * number of virtual CPUs. For Memory: Shares = 10 * virtual machine memory size in MB. . Warning: This constant is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.
HIGH : For CPU: Shares = 2000 * nmumber of virtual CPUs. For Memory: Shares = 20 * virtual machine memory size in MB. . Warning: This constant is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.
CUSTOM : If set, in case there is resource contention the server uses the shares value to determine the resource allocation. Warning: This constant is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.

integer As int64

When Shares.level is set to CUSTOM, it is the number of shares allocated. Otherwise, this value is ignored. There is no unit for this value. It is a relative measure based on the settings for other resource pools. . Warning: This attribute is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.