Get Enterprise Nni Metrics
Fetch all Gateway NNI Metrics for the target customer
The logicalId
GUID for the target enterprise
A comma-separated list of field names corresponding to linked resources. Where supported, the server will resolve resource attributes for the specified resources.
metrics supported for querying nniStats
Query interval start time represented as a 13-digit, millisecond-precision epoch timestamp.
Query interval end time represented as a 13-digit, millisecond-precision epoch timestamp.
Filter by bytesTx[is]
Filter by bytesTx[isNot]
Filter by bytesTx[greaterOrEquals]
Filter by bytesTx[lesserOrEquals]
Filter by bytesRx[is]
Filter by bytesRx[isNot]
Filter by bytesRx[greaterOrEquals]
Filter by bytesRx[lesserOrEquals]
Filter by packetsTx[is]
Filter by packetsTx[isNot]
Filter by packetsTx[greaterOrEquals]
Filter by packetsTx[lesserOrEquals]
Filter by packetsRx[is]
Filter by packetsRx[isNot]
Filter by packetsRx[greaterOrEquals]
Filter by packetsRx[lesserOrEquals]
Request successfully processed
"gateway": {
"_href": "string",
"id": "number",
"created": "string",
"networkId": 0,
"enterpriseProxyId": 0,
"siteId": 0,
"activationKey": "string",
"activationState": "string",
"activationTime": "string",
"softwareVersion": "string",
"buildNumber": "string",
"utilization": "number",
"utilizationDetail": {},
"connectedEdges": 0,
"connectedEdgeList": [
"dataCenterVpnStates": "string",
"deviceId": "string",
"logicalId": "string",
"name": "string",
"gatewayState": "string",
"alertsEnabled": false,
"description": "string",
"dnsName": "string",
"isLoadBalanced": false,
"privateIpAddress": "string",
"ipAddress": "string",
"ipV6Address": "string",
"lastContact": "string",
"systemUpSince": "string",
"serviceUpSince": "string",
"serviceState": "string",
"bastionState": "string",
"endpointPkiMode": "string",
"handOffDetail": {},
"ipsecGatewayDetail": {},
"modified": "string"
"segmentLogicalId": "string",
"vniId": 0,
"bytesTx": 0,
"bytesRx": 0,
"packetsTx": 0,
"packetsRx": 0,
"errorsTx": 0,
"errorsRx": 0,
"dropsTx": 0,
"dropsRx": 0
"code": "string",
"property": "string",
"message": "string",
"displayMessage": "string",
"documentation": "string",
"errors": [
"message": "string",
"path": "string"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation
"code": "string",
"property": "string",
"message": "string",
"displayMessage": "string",
"documentation": "string"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation
Resource not found
"code": "string",
"property": "string",
"message": "string",
"displayMessage": "string",
"documentation": "string"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation
Rate Limit Exceeded
"code": "string",
"property": "string",
"message": "string",
"displayMessage": "string",
"documentation": "string"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation
Internal server error
"code": "string",
"property": "string",
"message": "string",
"displayMessage": "string",
"documentation": "string"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation