Post Search Entitlements
Retrieve entitlements for the authenticated user or for a given user ID
Offset of the first catalog item to return in the list of found cagtalog items. This is used for pagination
The number of found catalog items to return starting from the given startIndex. This is used for pagination
Whether to return only catalog items that are visible on the user portal, or return both visible and hidden catalog items
The user ID
Always use application/vnd.vmware.horizon.manager.entitlements.v2.entitlement.list+json which returns VMware Identity Manager user IDs. application/vnd.vmware.horizon.manager.entitlements.entitlement.list+json used to return external user IDs and is now deprecated.
the search criteria for filtering the returned catalog item list
"activationStates": [
"catalogIds": [
"sortOrder": "NAME",
"catalogTypes": [
"categories": [
"nameFilter": "mywebapp"
Find the entitled catalog items that are in ANY of the specified activation states
Only return entitlements for ANY of these catalog item IDs
Order the results by either Alphabetical order of catalog item name or by catalog item creation time (newest item first). Default sort is by creation time
Find the entitled catalog items that belong to ANY of the specified types
Find the entitled catalog items that belong to ALL of the specified categories
Find only entitled catalog items that have this string in their name
successful operation
"items": [
"approvalMessage": "Approved.",
"name": "Example Web Application",
"catalogType": "SAAS",
"catalogItemId": "042eb1e6-61b0-451b-b35e-e9811e2459a2",
"perDeviceActivationRequired": false,
"userId": "083ed8e6-6a39-461a-b0de-e9800e245900",
"activationPolicy": "AUTOMATIC",
"catalogItemType": "Saml20",
"visible": true,
"internal": false,
"activationState": "ACTIVATED",
"approvalRequired": true,
"description": "This is a Service Provider Sample Application."
Invalid or no search criteria defined in request body or number of provided category labels exceeds the maximum allowed value.
The user token is invalid or the user does not have the required permissions to retrieve the entitlement information for the requested user ID.
The given user ID does not exist.
Failed to fetch entitlements.