Sos APIs

Sos APIs

APIs for managing SOS

Note : The /v1/sddcs APIs are available only on the Cloud Builder appliance

Table of Contents

1. Generate Support-Bundle for SDDC.

Generate Support-Bundle operation will:

  • Collects logs of various components of SDDC stack.

  • The whole logs are included in a archive file.

  • This can be downloaded by the user.

The result is supportbundle.

1.1. Prerequisites

The following data is optional

  • logs

    • vcLogs

    • nsxLogs

    • esxLogs

    • wcpLogs

    • sddcManagerLogs

    • apiLogs

    • vxrailManagerLogs

    • systemDebugLogs

    • vmScreenshots

    • vraLogs

    • vropsLogs

    • vrliLogs

    • vrslcmLogs

  • scope

    • includeFreeHosts

    • domains

      • domainName

      • clusterNames

  • options

    • include

      • summaryReport

      • healthCheck

Note : To trigger the API, the user should have a role of an ADMIN or OPERATOR in VCF.

Note : User cannot initiate parallel Support bundle collection.

Note : User can also pass empty specification as data, then default logs will be conducted.

Note : Only single domain is allowed in domain field.

Note : It is not advised to run CLI and API operations in parallel.

Note : If no domain is passed default MANAGEMENT domain will be considered.

Note : Scope field is not applicable for SDDCMANAGER, SYSTEMDEBUG and API logs irrespective of the domain passed.

1.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....' \
    -d '{
  "options" : {
    "config" : {
      "skipKnownHostCheck" : false,
      "force" : false
    "include" : {
      "summaryReport" : false,
      "healthCheck" : false
  "scope" : {
    "includeFreeHosts" : false,
    "domains" : [ {
      "domainName" : "sddcId-1001",
      "clusterNames" : [ "SDDC-Cluster1" ]
    } ]
  "logs" : {
    "vcLogs" : false,
    "nsxLogs" : false,
    "esxLogs" : false,
    "wcpLogs" : false,
    "sddcManagerLogs" : true,
    "apiLogs" : true,
    "vxrailManagerLogs" : false,
    "systemDebugLogs" : false,
    "vmScreenshots" : false,
    "vraLogs" : false,
    "vropsLogs" : false,
    "vrliLogs" : false,
    "vrslcmLogs" : false

HTTP Request

POST /v1/system/support-bundles HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 697
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

  "options" : {
    "config" : {
      "skipKnownHostCheck" : false,
      "force" : false
    "include" : {
      "summaryReport" : false,
      "healthCheck" : false
  "scope" : {
    "includeFreeHosts" : false,
    "domains" : [ {
      "domainName" : "sddcId-1001",
      "clusterNames" : [ "SDDC-Cluster1" ]
    } ]
  "logs" : {
    "vcLogs" : false,
    "nsxLogs" : false,
    "esxLogs" : false,
    "wcpLogs" : false,
    "sddcManagerLogs" : true,
    "apiLogs" : true,
    "vxrailManagerLogs" : false,
    "systemDebugLogs" : false,
    "vmScreenshots" : false,
    "vraLogs" : false,
    "vropsLogs" : false,
    "vrliLogs" : false,
    "vrslcmLogs" : false

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 117

  "description" : "Support-Bundle collection operation for SDDC",
  "id" : "8a2f69a8-9f97-4ac3-8778-4aceb1640245"
  • Poll the task until "status" is not "IN_PROGRESS" or not "PENDING" using the "id" from the previous response.

Tip : Refer to: Get the status of SOS SupportBundle Task..

  • If the "status" is "COMPLETED_WITH_SUCCESS", the task is completed successfully.

  • The task is failed if "status" is "COMPLETED_WITH_FAILURE".

  • Download the bundle after successful bundle creation, using the "id" from the previous response.

Tip : Refer to: Downloads the SOS Support bundle created.

2. Get the status of SOS SupportBundle Task.

The get health-summary operation

  • Polls the status of SOS SupportBundle operation.

2.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • ID of the task

2.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/system/support-bundles/8a2f69a8-9f97-4ac3-8778-4aceb1640245 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 341

  "creationTimestamp" : "2021-07-09T06:22:32.856Z",
  "description" : "Support-Bundle collection operation for SDDC",
  "bundleAvailable" : "Yes",
  "id" : "8a2f69a8-9f97-4ac3-8778-4aceb1640245",
  "completionTimestamp" : "2021-07-09T06:23:04.949Z",
  "bundleName" : "sos-2021-07-09-06-22-32-87667"

3. Downloads the SOS Support bundle created.

The download operation:

  • User can download the supportbundle bundle created.

  • The data is streamed in octect-stream format.

3.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • ID of the task

3.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

Note : To trigger the API, the user should have a role of an ADMIN or OPERATOR in VCF.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Accept: application/octet-stream' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/system/support-bundles/8a2f69a8-9f97-4ac3-8778-4aceb1640245/data HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/octet-stream
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

4. Get the status of all SOS SupportBundle collect tasks.

The get health-summary operation

  • User can get the history of all SupportBundle tasks.

4.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • None

4.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/system/support-bundles HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 738

  "elements" : [ {
    "status" : "COMPLETED_WITH_SUCCESS",
    "creationTimestamp" : "2021-07-09T06:22:32.856Z",
    "description" : "Support-Bundle collection operation for SDDC",
    "bundleAvailable" : "No",
    "id" : "8a2f69a8-9f97-4ac3-8778-4aceb1640245",
    "completionTimestamp" : "2021-07-09T06:23:04.949Z",
    "bundleName" : "sos-2021-07-09-06-22-32-87667"
  }, {
    "status" : "COMPLETED_WITH_SUCCESS",
    "creationTimestamp" : "2021-07-09T06:23:55.973Z",
    "description" : "Support-Bundle collection operation for SDDC",
    "bundleAvailable" : "Yes",
    "id" : "b65d036d-01cd-4238-929e-d94f87f9b894",
    "completionTimestamp" : "2021-07-09T06:24:22.631Z",
    "bundleName" : "sos-2021-07-09-06-23-55-87667"
  } ]

5. Perform Health-Check operation for SDDC.

The Create Health Summary operation:

  • Validates overall health of system.

  • The health checks results are included in a archive file.

  • This can be downloaded by the user.

The result is health-summary bundle.

5.1. Prerequisites

The following data is optional

  • healthChecks

    • servicesHealth

    • ntpHealth

    • generalHealth

    • certificateHealth

    • passwordHealth

    • connectivityHealth

    • computeHealth

    • storageHealth

    • dnsHealth

    • composabilityHealth

    • hardwareCompatibilityHealth

    • versionHealth

  • scope

    • includeAllDomains

    • includeFreeHosts

    • domains

      • domainName

      • clusterNames

  • options

    • include

      • summaryReport

      • precheckReport

Note : To trigger the API, the user should have a role of an ADMIN or OPERATOR in VCF.

Note : User can also pass empty specification as data, then default health checks will be conducted.

Note : Only single domain is allowed in domain field, or user has to pass includeAllDomains as true.

Note : If no domain is passed default MANAGEMENT domain will be considered.

5.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....' \
    -d '{
  "options" : {
    "config" : {
      "skipKnownHostCheck" : false,
      "force" : false
    "include" : {
      "summaryReport" : false,
      "precheckReport" : false
  "scope" : {
    "includeFreeHosts" : false,
    "includeAllDomains" : false,
    "domains" : [ {
      "domainName" : "sddcId-1001",
      "clusterNames" : [ "SDDC-Cluster1" ]
    } ]
  "healthChecks" : {
    "servicesHealth" : true,
    "ntpHealth" : true,
    "generalHealth" : true,
    "certificateHealth" : true,
    "passwordHealth" : true,
    "connectivityHealth" : true,
    "computeHealth" : true,
    "storageHealth" : true,
    "dnsHealth" : true,
    "composabilityHealth" : true,
    "hardwareCompatibilityHealth" : true,
    "versionHealth" : true

HTTP Request

POST /v1/system/health-summary HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 766
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

  "options" : {
    "config" : {
      "skipKnownHostCheck" : false,
      "force" : false
    "include" : {
      "summaryReport" : false,
      "precheckReport" : false
  "scope" : {
    "includeFreeHosts" : false,
    "includeAllDomains" : false,
    "domains" : [ {
      "domainName" : "sddcId-1001",
      "clusterNames" : [ "SDDC-Cluster1" ]
    } ]
  "healthChecks" : {
    "servicesHealth" : true,
    "ntpHealth" : true,
    "generalHealth" : true,
    "certificateHealth" : true,
    "passwordHealth" : true,
    "connectivityHealth" : true,
    "computeHealth" : true,
    "storageHealth" : true,
    "dnsHealth" : true,
    "composabilityHealth" : true,
    "hardwareCompatibilityHealth" : true,
    "versionHealth" : true

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 104

  "description" : "Health-Check operation for SDDC",
  "id" : "beedc2ff-66d2-452f-af4b-176fa433148f"
  • Poll the task until "status" is not "IN_PROGRESS" or not "PENDING" using the "id" from the previous response.

Tip : Refer to: Get a SOS HealthSummary Task.

  • If the "status" is "COMPLETED_WITH_SUCCESS", the task is completed successfully.

  • The task is failed if "status" is "COMPLETED_WITH_FAILURE".

  • Download the bundle after successful bundle creation, using the "id" from the previous response.

Tip : Refer to: Download Health Summary bundle.

6. Get the status of SOS health-summary task.

The get health-summary operation

  • Polls the status of SOS health-summary operation.

6.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • ID of the task

6.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/system/health-summary/beedc2ff-66d2-452f-af4b-176fa433148f HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 336

  "creationTimestamp" : "2021-07-08T09:11:22.957Z",
  "description" : "Health-Check operation for SDDC",
  "bundleAvailable" : "Yes",
  "id" : "beedc2ff-66d2-452f-af4b-176fa433148f",
  "completionTimestamp" : "2021-07-08T09:12:12.336Z",
  "bundleName" : "healthcheck-2021-07-08-09-11-22-91496"

7. Downloads the HealthSummary bundle created.

The download operation

  • User can download the health summary bundle created.

  • The data is streamed in octect-stream format.

7.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • ID of the task

7.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

Note : To trigger the API, the user should have a role of an ADMIN or OPERATOR in VCF.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Accept: application/octet-stream' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/system/health-summary/d14d42ea-3061-4874-a2ed-651253db37a3/data HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/octet-stream
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

8. Get the status of all SOS health-summary tasks.

The get health-summary operation

  • User can get the history of all Health Summary tasks.

8.1. Prerequisites

The following data is required

  • None

8.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/system/health-summary HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 729

  "elements" : [ {
    "status" : "COMPLETED_WITH_SUCCESS",
    "creationTimestamp" : "2021-07-08T09:11:22.957Z",
    "description" : "Health-Check operation for SDDC",
    "bundleAvailable" : "Yes",
    "id" : "beedc2ff-66d2-452f-af4b-176fa433148f",
    "completionTimestamp" : "2021-07-08T09:12:12.336Z",
    "bundleName" : "healthcheck-2021-07-08-09-11-22-91496"
  }, {
    "status" : "COMPLETED_WITH_SUCCESS",
    "creationTimestamp" : "2021-07-08T09:15:59.885Z",
    "description" : "Health-Check operation for SDDC",
    "bundleAvailable" : "Yes",
    "id" : "212090e7-833e-4436-9136-f4a4f86277de",
    "completionTimestamp" : "2021-07-08T09:16:46.701Z",
    "bundleName" : "healthcheck-2021-07-08-09-15-59-91496"
  } ]

Last updated 2023-05-21 23:30:49 PDT

Fetch the progress of a Health summary task.
Fetch All Health Summary Tasks.
Getsupport Bundle
Fetch the progress of support bundle task.
Getsupport Bundle Tasks
Fetch All Support bundle Tasks.
Health Summary
Initiates Health Summary checks.
Download Health Summary Bundle.
Support Bundledata
Download Support bundles.
Initiates Support bundle download