Resource Functionalities APIs

Resource Functionalities APIs

APIs for managing Resource Functionalities

Table of Contents

1. Get Resource Functionalities

1.1. Prerequisites

The following data is optional

  • Resource type - if not provided the API will default to resource type SYSTEM

  • Functionality type

  • Resource IDs

  • Allowed or disallowed resource functionalities

1.2. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/resource-functionalities HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 269

  "elements" : [ {
    "resourceType" : "CLUSTER",
    "resourceId" : "b7edbdb7-4b82-4ad2-aa8f-b04ca3f7f863",
    "functionalities" : [ {
      "type" : "ADD_HOST",
      "isAllowed" : true
    }, {
      "type" : "ADD_HOST",
      "isAllowed" : false
    } ]
  } ]

2. Get Resource Functionalities Allowed Global Configuration

2.1. Steps

  • Invoke the API.

cURL Request

$ curl '' -i -X GET \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....'

HTTP Request

GET /v1/resource-functionalities/global HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer etYWRta....

HTTP Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 24

  "isAllowed" : true

Last updated 2022-09-28 17:42:27 PDT

Get Resource Functionalities
Get Resource Functionalities
Get Resources Functionalities Allowed Global
Get Resource Functionalities Allowed Global Configuration