Spec contains parameters for NSX-T deployment and configurations
"ipAddressPoolSpec": {
"description": "string",
"ignoreUnavailableNsxtCluster": false,
"name": "string",
"subnets": [
"cidr": "string",
"gateway": "string",
"ipAddressPoolRanges": [
"end": "string",
"start": "string"
"logicalSegments": [
"name": "string",
"networkType": "string"
"nsxtAdminPassword": "string",
"nsxtAuditPassword": "string",
"nsxtEdgeSpec": {
"asn": 0,
"bgpNeighbours": [
"autonomousSystem": 0,
"forwardingIp": "",
"holdDownTimeSeconds": 0,
"keepAliveTimeSeconds": 0,
"neighbourIp": "",
"password": "string",
"protocolIp": "",
"weight": 0
"edgeAdminPassword": "string",
"edgeAuditPassword": "string",
"edgeClusterName": "string",
"edgeFormFactor": "string",
"edgeNodeSpecs": [
"edgeNodeHostname": "string",
"edgeNodeName": "string",
"edgeVtep1Cidr": "string",
"edgeVtep2Cidr": "string",
"interfaces": [
"interfaceCidr": "string",
"name": "string"
"managementCidr": "string"
"edgeRootPassword": "string",
"edgeServicesSpecs": {
"tier0GatewayName": "string",
"tier1GatewayName": "string"
"tier0ServicesHighAvailability": "string"
"nsxtLicense": "string",
"nsxtManagerSize": "One among:medium, large",
"nsxtManagers": [
"hostname": "string",
"ip": "string"
"overLayTransportZone": {
"networkName": "string",
"zoneName": "string"
"rootLoginEnabledForNsxtManager": false,
"rootNsxtManagerPassword": "string",
"sshEnabledForNsxtManager": false,
"transportVlanId": 0,
"vip": "string",
"vipFqdn": "string",
"vlanTransportZone": {
"networkName": "string",
"zoneName": "string"
This specification contains the parameters required to create or reuse an IP address pool.
NSX-T logical segment. Deprecated as of 4.3, Bringup AVN has been deprecated. Instead use DAY-N AVN workflow.
NSX-T admin password. The password must be at least 12 characters long. Must contain at-least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 special character and 1 digit. In addition, a character cannot be repeated 3 or more times consectively.
NSX-T audit password. The password must be at least 12 characters long. Must contain at-least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 special character and 1 digit. In addition, a character cannot be repeated 3 or more times consectively.
NSX-T edge specification. Deprecated as of 4.3, Bringup AVN has been deprecated. Instead use DAY-N AVN workflow.
NSX-T Manager license
NSX-T Manager size
Spec contains required parameters for NSX-T Transport Zone
If true, allow root login for NSX-T Manager and deny if false
NSX-T Manager root password. Password should have 1) At least eight characters, 2) At least one lower-case letter, 3) At least one upper-case letter 4) At least one digit 5) At least one special character, 6) At least five different characters , 7) No dictionary words, 6) No palindromes
If true, enable SSH for NSX-T Manager and disable if false
Transport VLAN ID
Virtual IP address which would act as proxy/alias for NSX-T Managers
FQDN for VIP so that common SSL certificates can be installed across all managers
Spec contains required parameters for NSX-T Transport Zone