Represents certificate and its attributes
"expirationStatus": "One among: ACTIVE, ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE, EXPIRED",
"getCertificateError": "string",
"isInstalled": false,
"issuedBy": "string",
"issuedTo": "string",
"keySize": "One among: 2048, 3072, 4096",
"notAfter": "string",
"notBefore": "string",
"numberOfDaysToExpire": 0,
"pemEncoded": "string",
"publicKey": "string",
"publicKeyAlgorithm": "One among: RSA",
"serialNumber": "string",
"signatureAlgorithm": "string",
"subject": "string",
"subjectAlternativeName": [
"thumbprint": "string",
"thumbprintAlgorithm": "string",
"version": "string"
Certificate expiry status
Error if certificate cannot be fetched
Whether the certificate is installed or not
The certificate authority that issued the certificate
To whom the certificate is issued
The keysize of the certificate
The timestamp after which certificate is not valid
The timestamp before which certificate is not valid
Number of days left for the certificate to expire
The PEM encoded certificate content
The public key of the certificate
The public key algorithm of the certificate
The serial number of the certificate
Algorithm used to sign the certificate
Complete distinguished name to which the certificate is issued
The alternative names to which the certificate is issued
Thumbprint generated using certificate content
Algorithm used to generate thumbprint
The X.509 version of the certificate