Get Protection Group Snapshots
Get a list of all snapshots in a specific protection group.
Unique identifier of an individual cloud file system. Use the cloud file system ID of the cloud file system for which you want to get a list of all protected VMs.
Unique identifier of the protection group you want to get a list of snapshots from.
The maximum number of results to return with the call. The maximum is 500, and the default is 50 results.
An opaque string previously returned by this API that can be passed to this API in order to get the next set of results. If this property is not passed, enumeration of starts from the beginning.
OK. The request succeeded.
"snapshots": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"cursor": "string"
An array of summary information about protection group snapshots.
An opaque string that can be passed back to this API in order to get the next set of results. If this poperty is not present, no more results are available.
Bad request. The server could not understand the request.
Unauthorized. The client has not authenticated.
Forbidden. The client is not authorized.
Not found. The server cannot find the specified resource.
VMware Cloud DR-specific error.
An error unique to VMware Cloud DR was encountered while attempting to satisfy the request. See the returned object for details on the error.
"messages": [
"id": "string",
"default_message": "string",
"args": [
A stack or error messages. The first element (top of the stack) is the broadest description of the failure.