VMware Cloud Director API - DistributedCatalogParams

VMware Cloud Director API - DistributedCatalogParams


Configuration parameters for a Distributed Catalog.
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<DistributedCatalogParams xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">
    <IsDistributed> xs:boolean </IsDistributed>
    <DistributedCatalogId> xs:string </DistributedCatalogId>
    <OnDeleteAction> xs:string </OnDeleteAction>
    <DistributedCatalogName> xs:string </DistributedCatalogName>
    <BoundAccessLevel> xs:string </BoundAccessLevel>
    <DistributionHealthy> xs:boolean </DistributionHealthy>
    <IsPrimary> xs:boolean </IsPrimary>


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
BoundAccessLevel string No always 39.0 Default access level that the author of the catalog wants to grant to all the other consumers that want to bind to this distributed catalog. This field is only applicable when creating a new distributed catalog. This field can only be updated by the owning site of the primary catalog. The allowed values are:
ReadOnly: The consumers cannot add new content to the catalog. Consumers cannot share the catalog to other tenants. Consumers cannot publish the catalog to other subscribers.
Change: The consumers can add new content to the catalog. Consumers cannot share the catalog to other tenants. Consumers can publish the catalog to other subscribers.
ReadShare: The consumers can further share this catalog with other tenants.
Consumers cannot add new content to the catalog. FullControl: The consumers can add new content to the catalog. Consumers can share the catalog to other tenants. Consumers can publish the catalog to other subscribers.
DistributedCatalogId string No always 39.0 UUID of an existing distributed catalog. This field can only be provided at catalog creation time to make the new catalog part of an existing distributed catalog. This field cannot be changed once the catalog is created. If the value is not provided during catalog creation, then system generates a new distributed catalog id for this catalog if IsDistributed was passed as TRUE during catalog creation. example: fa94a3e1-a96f-472c-8d3f-2724e747273c
DistributedCatalogName string No always 39.0 This is the name by which this distributed catalog is identified by other sites that get access to the distributed content. The name must be unique on a given distributed storage. If more than one datastore is used for a storage policy, the name must be unique across these datastores for the given storage policy. This field is only applicable when creating a new distributed catalog.
DistributionHealthy boolean No always 39.0 False if the catalog has distribution issues that need further investigation via the issues endpoint for this catalog.
IsDistributed boolean No always 39.0 True means the catalog is Distributed. Distributed catalogs need special storage capabilities. Please refer to documentation.
IsPrimary boolean No none 39.0 A read-only field that is true if the catalog is the primary distributed catalog. Otherwise, it will have a value of false if the catalog is bound to the primary distributed catalog.
OnDeleteAction string No always 39.0 Default action when deleting a distributed catalog. Allowed values are:
Detach: A DELETE operation on this catalog will simply delete the local catalog entity, all corresponding distributed file contents are preserved. This is the default value when binding to an existing distributed contents. Delete: A DELETE operation on this catalog will delete all file contents on the corresponding distributed datastore(s). This is the default value when creating a new distributed contents. 'Delete' value is only allowed for catalog creating new distributed contents, it is not allowed for catalog binding to existing contents.
VCloudExtension VCloudExtensionType No always 39.0 An optional extension element that can contain an arbitrary number of elements and attributes. Not related to extension services.