VMware Cloud Director API - IpsecVpnTunnelType
- Type:
- IpsecVpnTunnelType
- Namespace:
- http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5
- Description:
- Represents details of an IPSec-VPN tunnel.
- Since:
- 1.5
- Schema:
- network.xsd
- Media type(s):
- None
- Extends:
- VCloudExtensibleType
- XML Representation:
<IpsecVpnTunnelType xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">
<Name> xs:string </Name>
<Description> xs:string </Description>
<PeerIpAddress> IpAddressType </PeerIpAddress>
<PeerNetworkAddress> IpAddressType </PeerNetworkAddress>
<PeerNetworkMask> IpAddressType </PeerNetworkMask>
<SharedSecret> xs:string </SharedSecret>
<EncryptionProtocol> xs:string </EncryptionProtocol>
<Mtu> xs:int </Mtu>
<IsEnabled> xs:boolean </IsEnabled>
<IsOperational> xs:boolean </IsOperational>
<ErrorDetails> xs:string </ErrorDetails>
Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description Description string No always 1.5 A description of the tunnel. EncryptionProtocol string Yes always 1.5 Encryption protocol to be used. One of: AES, AES256, TRIPLEDES, AESGCM ErrorDetails string No always 1.5 Details, in case the tunnel state is set to error. IpsecVpnPeer IpsecVpnPeerType Yes 1.5 Details about the peer network. IsEnabled boolean Yes always 1.5 Specifies if the IPSec-VPN Tunnel should be enabled. IsOperational boolean No always 1.5 Specifies if the IPSec-VPN Tunnel is operational. Mtu int Yes always 1.5 MTU for the tunnel. Name string Yes always 1.5 A name for the tunnel. PeerIpAddress IpAddressType Yes always 1.5 IP address of the peer Edge device. PeerNetworkAddress IpAddressType Yes always 1.5 Address of the peer network. PeerNetworkMask IpAddressType Yes always 1.5 Netmask of the peer network. SharedSecret string Yes always 1.5 Shared secret used for authentication. VCloudExtension VCloudExtensionType No always 1.5 An optional extension element that can contain an arbitrary number of elements and attributes. Not related to extension services.