VMware Cloud Director API - VmSpecSection

VMware Cloud Director API - VmSpecSection


Container for the specification of this virtual machine. This is an alternate to using ovf:VirtualHardwareSection + ovf:OperatingSystemSection
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<VmSpecSection xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" xmlns:ovf="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1" Modified="xs:boolean">
    <OsType> xs:string </OsType>
    <Firmware> xs:string </Firmware>
    <NumCpus> xs:int </NumCpus>
    <NumCoresPerSocket> xs:int </NumCoresPerSocket>
        <Configured> xs:long </Configured>
        <Reservation> xs:long </Reservation>
        <Limit> xs:long </Limit>
        <SharesLevel> ResourceSharesLevelType </SharesLevel>
        <Shares> xs:int </Shares>
        <Configured> xs:long </Configured>
        <Reservation> xs:long </Reservation>
        <Limit> xs:long </Limit>
        <SharesLevel> ResourceSharesLevelType </SharesLevel>
        <Shares> xs:int </Shares>
            <DeviceId> xs:string </DeviceId>
            <MediaImage href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <MediaType> MediaTypeType </MediaType>
            <MediaState> MediaStateType </MediaState>
            <UnitNumber> xs:int </UnitNumber>
            <BusNumber> xs:int </BusNumber>
            <AdapterType> xs:string </AdapterType>
            <DiskId> xs:string </DiskId>
            <SizeMb> xs:long </SizeMb>
            <UnitNumber> xs:int </UnitNumber>
            <BusNumber> xs:int </BusNumber>
            <AdapterType> xs:string </AdapterType>
            <ThinProvisioned> xs:boolean </ThinProvisioned>
            <Disk href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <StorageProfile href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <overrideVmDefault> xs:boolean </overrideVmDefault>
                <Reservation> xs:long </Reservation>
                <Limit> xs:long </Limit>
                <SharesLevel> ResourceSharesLevelType </SharesLevel>
                <Shares> xs:int </Shares>
            <VirtualQuantityUnit> xs:string </VirtualQuantityUnit>
            <VirtualQuantity> xs:long </VirtualQuantity>
            <resizable> xs:boolean </resizable>
            <encrypted> xs:boolean </encrypted>
            <shareable> xs:boolean </shareable>
            <sharingType> xs:string </sharingType>
    <HardwareVersion href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string"/>
    <VmToolsVersion> xs:string </VmToolsVersion>
    <ToolsGuestOsId> xs:string </ToolsGuestOsId>
    <VirtualCpuType> VirtualCpuTypeType </VirtualCpuType>
    <TimeSyncWithHost> xs:boolean </TimeSyncWithHost>


Attribute Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
Modified boolean No always 32.0 True indicates that this section overrides any possible VirtualHardware and OperatingSystem sections during a PUT or POST action.


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
CpuResourceMhz ComputeResourceType No always 32.0 CPU compute resources. This parameter may be omitted when using the VmSpec to update the contents of an existing VM.
DiskSection DiskSectionType No always 32.0 virtual disks of this VM.
Firmware string No always 37.1 Type of firmware (EFI or BIOS) to describe boot behavior of VM.
HardwareVersion HardwareVersionType Yes always 32.0 vSphere name of Virtual Hardware Version of this VM. Example: vmx-13 This parameter may be omitted when using the VmSpec to update the contents of an existing VM.
MediaSection MediaSectionType No always 32.0 The media devices of this VM.
MemoryResourceMb ComputeResourceType Yes always 32.0 Memory compute resources. This parameter may be omitted when using the VmSpec to update the contents of an existing VM.
NumCoresPerSocket int No always 32.0 Number of cores among which to distribute CPUs in this virtual machine.. This parameter may be omitted when using the VmSpec to update the contents of an existing VM.
NumCpus int No always 32.0 Number of CPUs. This parameter may be omitted when using the VmSpec to update the contents of an existing VM.
OsType string No always 32.0 The type of the OS. This parameter may be omitted when using the VmSpec to update the contents of an existing VM.
TimeSyncWithHost boolean No always 32.0 Synchronize the VM's time with the host.
ToolsGuestOsId string No none 32.0 The tools guest os identifier of a VM when VM is powered on and has VM Tools installed on it.
VirtualCpuType VirtualCpuTypeType No always 32.0 The capabilities settings for this VM. This parameter may be omitted when using the VmSpec to update the contents of an existing VM.
VmToolsVersion string No none 32.0 VMware tools version of this VM.