VMware Cloud Director API Changed User Types

VMware Cloud Director API Changed User Types

VMware Cloud Director API Changed User Types

Changed User Types (15)

First Version Second Version Type Change Description
36.0 37.0 DiskSettingsType The type was changed.
  An element named iops was removed.
  An element named IopsAllocation was added.
36.0 37.0 DiskType The type was changed.
  An attribute named iops was removed.
  An element named IopsAllocation was added.
37.0 IopsResourceType The type was added.
36.0 37.0 NetworkConfigurationType The type was changed.
  An element named ServiceInterface was added.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultAdminDiskRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named iops was removed.
  An attribute named iopsReservation was added.
  An attribute named iopsLimit was added.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultAdminUserRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named deployedVMQuota was removed.
  An attribute named storedVMQuota was removed.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultAdminVdcRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named isVgpuEnabled was added.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultAdminVMRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named detectedGuestOs was added.
  An attribute named hasVgpuPolicy was added.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultDiskRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named iops was removed.
  An attribute named iopsReservation was added.
  An attribute named iopsLimit was added.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultOrgVdcRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named isVgpuEnabled was added.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultResourcePoolRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named clusterName was added.
  An attribute named isGpuEnabled was added.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultResourcePoolVMRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named isMigratableToAnotherRp was added.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultUserRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named deployedVMQuota was removed.
  An attribute named storedVMQuota was removed.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultVMRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named detectedGuestOs was added.
  An attribute named hasVgpuPolicy was added.
36.0 37.0 QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named isGpuEnabled was added.