VMware Cloud Director API - DiskSettingsType

VMware Cloud Director API - DiskSettingsType


A description of a virtual disk of a VM.
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<DiskSettingsType xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">
    <DiskId> xs:string </DiskId>
    <SizeMb> xs:long </SizeMb>
    <UnitNumber> xs:int </UnitNumber>
    <BusNumber> xs:int </BusNumber>
    <AdapterType> xs:string </AdapterType>
    <ThinProvisioned> xs:boolean </ThinProvisioned>
    <Disk href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
    <StorageProfile href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
    <overrideVmDefault> xs:boolean </overrideVmDefault>
    <iops> xs:long </iops>
    <VirtualQuantityUnit> xs:string </VirtualQuantityUnit>
    <VirtualQuantity> xs:long </VirtualQuantity>
    <resizable> xs:boolean </resizable>
    <encrypted> xs:boolean </encrypted>
    <shareable> xs:boolean </shareable>
    <sharingType> xs:string </sharingType>


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
AdapterType string Yes always 32.0 The type of disk controller, e.g. IDE vs SCSI and if SCSI bus-logic vs LSI logic.
BusNumber int Yes always 32.0 The number of the SCSI or IDE controller itself.
Disk ReferenceType No always 32.0 Specifies reference to a named disk.
DiskId string No always 32.0 Specifies a unique identifier for this disk in the scope of the corresponding VM. This element is optional when creating a VM, but if it is provided it should be unique. This element is mandatory when updating an existing disk.
SizeMb long Yes always 32.0 The size of the disk in MB.
StorageProfile ReferenceType No always 32.0 Specifies reference to a storage profile to be associated with the disk.
ThinProvisioned boolean No always 32.0 Specifies whether the disk storage is pre-allocated or allocated on demand.
UnitNumber int Yes always 32.0 The device number on the SCSI or IDE controller of the disk.
VCloudExtension VCloudExtensionType No always 32.0 An optional extension element that can contain an arbitrary number of elements and attributes. Not related to extension services.
VirtualQuantity long No none 32.0 The actual size of the disk.
VirtualQuantityUnit string No none 32.0 The units in which VirtualQuantity is measured.
encrypted boolean No none 34.0 True if the disk is encrypted. This is a read-only value.
iops long No always 32.0 Specifies the IOPS for the disk.
overrideVmDefault boolean No always 32.0 Specifies that the disk storage profile overrides the VM's default storage profile.
resizable boolean No none 34.0 True if the disk can be grown. This is a read-only value.
shareable boolean No none 35.0 36.0 True if the disk is shareable. This is a read-only value. This attribute is deprecated; use sharingType instead.
sharingType string No none 36.0 Sharing type of the disk. This attribute is immutable. This attribute can only have values defined by DiskSharingType.