VMware Cloud Director API Changed Types

VMware Cloud Director API Changed Types

VMware Cloud Director API Changed Types

Changed Types (44)

First Version Second Version Type Change Description
35.0 36.0 VersionInfoType The type was changed.
  An element named ProviderLoginUrl was added.
35.0 36.0 ReservationPoolVdcTemplateSpecificationType The type was changed.
  An element named cpuLimitMhz was added.
  An element named cpuLimitMhz was added.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultVirtualCenterRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named diskSizeMb was added.
  An attribute named diskFreeMb was added.
  An attribute named diskUncommittedMb was added.
35.0 36.0 HostType The type was changed.
  An element named NumOfCpuCoresPhysical was added.
  An element named NumOfCpuCoresLogical was added.
35.0 36.0 SystemSettingsType The type was changed.
  An element named KerberosSettings was removed.
  An element named LookupServiceSettings was removed.
35.0 KerberosSettingsType The type was removed.
35.0 36.0 FlexVdcTemplateSpecificationType The type was changed.
  An element named CpuLimitMhz was added.
  An element named MemoryLimitMb was added.
  An element named CpuLimitMhz was added.
  An element named MemoryLimitMb was added.
35.0 36.0 CustomOrgLdapSettingsType The type was changed.
  An element named IsSslAcceptAll was removed.
  An element named UseExternalKerberos was removed.
35.0 36.0 VMWFlexVdcTemplateSpecificationType The type was changed.
  An element named CpuLimitMhz was added.
  An element named MemoryLimitMb was added.
  An element named CpuLimitMhz was added.
  An element named MemoryLimitMb was added.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultDatastoreRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named datastoreCluster was added.
35.0 36.0 VMWReservationPoolVdcTemplateSpecificationType The type was changed.
  An element named cpuLimitMhz was added.
  An element named cpuLimitMhz was added.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultAdminVMRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named vdcName was added.
35.0 36.0 OrgFederationSettingsType The type was changed.
  An element named SamlSPKeyAndCertificateChain was removed.
  An element named SigningCertificateExpiration was added.
  An element named EncryptionCertificateExpiration was added.
  An element named SigningCertLibraryItemId was added.
  An element named EncryptionCertLibraryItemId was added.
35.0 LookupServiceParamsType The type was removed.
35.0 36.0 GeneralSettingsType The type was changed.
  An element named VerifyVsmCertificates was removed.
  An element named SyncEnabled was added.
35.0 RealmType The type was removed.
35.0 LookupServiceSettingsType The type was removed.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultDatastoreProviderVdcRelationRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named datastoreCluster was added.
35.0 SspiKeytabUploadSocketType The type was removed.
35.0 36.0 VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolType The type was changed.
  An element named CpuReservationUsed was added.
  An element named CpuMaxUsage was added.
  An element named MemReservationUsed was added.
  An element named MemMaxUsage was added.
35.0 36.0 DiskType The type was changed.
  An attribute named sharingType was added.
  An attribute named uuid was added.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultVMRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named vdcName was added.
35.0 36.0 OrgOAuthSettingsType The type was changed.
  An element named OrgRedirectUri was added.
35.0 36.0 VMWAllocationVappVdcTemplateSpecificationType The type was changed.
  An element named CpuLimitMhz was added.
  An element named MemoryLimitMb was added.
  An element named CpuLimitMhz was added.
  An element named MemoryLimitMb was added.
35.0 SspiKeytabUpdateParamsType The type was removed.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named networkProviderType was added.
35.0 36.0 DiskSettingsType The type was changed.
  An element named sharingType was added.
35.0 36.0 LdapSettingsType The type was changed.
  An element named IsSslAcceptAll was removed.
  An element named UseExternalKerberos was removed.
35.0 36.0 VMWProviderVdcParamsType The type was changed.
  An element named AutoCreateNetworkPool was added.
35.0 36.0 SiteStatusType The type was changed.
  An attribute named dbCollation was added.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultAdminDiskRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named iops was added.
  An attribute named encrypted was added.
  An attribute named uuid was added.
  An attribute named isShareable was added.
  An attribute named sharingType was added.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultPortgroupRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named vlanId was added.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultOrgRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named canPublishExternally was added.
35.0 36.0 AmqpSettingsType The type was changed.
  An element named AmqpSslAcceptAll was removed.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultVAppTemplateRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named publishSubscriptionType was added.
35.0 36.0 QueryResultDiskRecordType The type was changed.
  An attribute named uuid was added.
  An attribute named sharingType was added.
36.0 VdcTemplateNetworkProfileType The type was added.
36.0 OpenIdProviderInfoType The type was added.
36.0 DiskSharingType The type was added.
36.0 QueryResultSiteAssociationRecordType The type was added.
36.0 DiskMoveParamsType The type was added.
36.0 QueryResultSiteRecordType The type was added.
36.0 QueryResultOrgAssociationRecordType The type was added.
36.0 OpenIdProviderConfigurationType The type was added.