"_from": "Nodes_INCHARGE_SA_PRES_opsuig3/ESX-$Hypervisor$INCHARGE-SA-PRES-opsuig3",
"_id": "Edges_INCHARGE_SA_PRES_opsuig3/6075377",
"_key": "6075377",
"_rev": "_emZyCdu--E",
"_to": "Nodes_INCHARGE_SA_PRES_opsuig3/VM-$VirtualMachine$INCHARGE-SA-PRES-opsuig3",
"properties": {
"DisplayName": "ESX-$Hypervisor$INCHARGE-SA-PRES-opsuig3 HostsVMs VM-$VirtualMachine$INCHARGE-SA-PRES-opsuig3",
"dest": "VM-$VirtualMachine$INCHARGE-SA-PRES-opsuig3",
"discoveryID": "INCHARGE-SA-PRES-opsuig3",
"jobId": "1660121518397",
"source": "ESX-$Hypervisor$INCHARGE-SA-PRES-opsuig3"
"relName": "HostsVMs",
"srcType": "Hypervisor",
"trgtType": "VirtualMachine"
_from is defined as the source node _id present in the relationship
_id is defined as the identifier present in the database for edge.
_key is defined as the key (identifier without the collection name) present in the database for edge.
_rev is defined as the revision - a system attribute present in the database for edge.
_to is defined as the destination node _id present in the relationship
relName is defined as the relationship name
srcType is defined as the class type of the source node present in the relationship
trgtType is defined as the class type of the destination node present in the relationship