Get Token For Authorization Grant Type Using POST
This end-point exchanges one of the following grants: authorization_code, refresh_token, client_credentials, client_delegate, context_switch or client_exchange for access token
- Include the parameters using application/x-www-form-urlencoded format in the HTTP request body.
- Include Basic Base64_Encode(client_id:client_secret) value in the HTTP authorization header. Note: when using Public OAuth clients, Authorization is required using the format 'Basic Base64_Encode(client_id:)' with empty client_secret. Organization ID parameter notes: when organization id is missing from the request the default organization will be used.
- Upon password grant type, user default organization will be set if available.
- Upon client_credentials grant type, the organization who own the client will be set if available.
Access Policy
Role | User Accounts | Service Accounts (Client Credentials Applications) |
Anonymous | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Basic auth client credentials [Basic Base64_Encode(client_id:client_secret)].
Example: authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50X2lkOmNsaWVudF9zZWNyZXQ=
Decoding this string will literally return client_id:client_secret.
Note: when using Public OAuth clients, Authorization is required using the format 'Basic Base64_Encode(client_id:)' with empty client_secret.
The application/x-www-form-urlencoded form data type.
A high-entropy cryptographic random key using the characters [A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / '-' / '.' / '_' / '~' with a minimum length of 43 characters and a maximum length of 128 characters which was used to generate 'code_challenge' and obtain the authorization code. Required if PKCE was used in the authorization code grant request. For more information, refer the PKCE RFC at
Unique identifier (GUID) of the organization. Available for grant_type 'client_credentials', 'password'.
Required if the grant_type is 'client_delegate' or 'impersonate_user'. A security token that represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is being made. In client_delegate flow, the token provided MUST BE the access token of the user. In impersonate_user flow, the token will be user account identifier (email)
Refresh token parameter. Available for grant_type 'refresh_token'.
Required if the grant_type is 'client_delegate' or 'impersonate_user'. The identifier for the subject token provided as per RFC 8693 In 'client_delegate' flow, this value MUST BE 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token'. In 'impersonate_user' flow, this value MUST BE 'urn:vmware:params:oauth:token-type:acct'
Required if the grant_type is 'impersonate_user'. A security token that represents the identity of the acting party. In impersonate_user flow, the token provided MUST BE the access token of the user (i.e. vmware internal personnel) who is acting on behalf of customer.
Required if the grant_type is 'impersonate_user'. The identifier for the actor token provided as per RFC 8693 In 'impersonate_user' flow, this value MUST BE 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token'.
Required if the grant_type is 'audience exchange'. The identifier will be passed on as an audience in the new id token, this value MUST BE used along with grant type 'urn:vmware:params:oauth:grant-type:audience-exchange'.
List of permissions with resources per service definition, which the access token will be scoped to. Accepts a valid json representation of ServicesPermissionsScopesDto class.
Provide list of service scopes where we can get resource specific token for roles or permissions. Note: For internal purpose, do not use !
The original caller's source ip. In case service is doing proxy, this ip must be original caller's ip i.e. originating request client ip.
The password of the user for whom the token should be returned. Mandatory and available for grant_type 'password'.
OAuth grant types for different use cases.
The username value corresponds to the value used when login to the system. Mandatory and available for grant_type 'password'.
The maximum number of groups allowed in the ID token.
Authorization code parameter. Mandatory for grant_type 'authorization_code'.
Required if the grant_type is 'authorization_code'.If provided in request body, it must match with the client_id sent in the authorization header.
Service redirect uri. Mandatory for grant_type 'authorization_code'.
The list of scopes separated by a space and is URL encoded. Scope parameter can be used to request different scopes to obtain a scoped access token
The validity in seconds for the access token. If a value lower than the client's accessTokenValiditySeconds is provided, the provided accessTokenValiditySeconds value will be used. Else if an invalid value, a value higher than the client's accessTokenValiditySeconds, or no value is provided, then the client's accessTokenValiditySeconds will be used. For example if the client's default accessTokenValiditySeconds is 5 minutes ie 300 seconds, to get a token with only one minute validity provide accessTokenValiditySeconds as 60.
The validity in seconds for the refresh token. If a value lower than the client's refreshTokenValiditySeconds is provided, the provided refreshTokenValiditySeconds value will be used. Else if an invalid value, a value higher than the client's refreshTokenValiditySeconds, or no value is provided, then the client's refreshTokenValiditySeconds will be used. For example if the client's default refreshTokenValiditySeconds is 30 minutes ie 1800 seconds, to get a token with one hour validity provide refreshTokenValiditySeconds as 3600.
"AccessTokenDto Object"
The access token. This is a JWT token that grants access to resources.
The type of the token.
An identifier for the representation of the issued security token.
The ID Token is a signed JWT token returned from the authorization server and contains the user's profile information, including the domain of the identity provider. This domain is used to obtain the identity provider URL. This token is used for optimization so the application can know the identity of the user, without having to make any additional network requests. This token can be generated via the Authorization Code flow only.
The value of the Refresh token.
Access token expiration in seconds.
The scope of access needed for the token
Invalid request body (In case of expired refresh_token). | Invalid authorization header (In case of client credentials).
"CspErrorResponse Object"
Client is forbidden for delegation.
"CspErrorResponse Object"
Organization with this identifier is not found.
"CspErrorResponse Object"
The request could not be processed due to a conflict
"CspErrorResponse Object"
The user has sent too many requests
"CspErrorResponse Object"
An unexpected error has occurred while processing the request
"CspErrorResponse Object"
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: <value>' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d '{"grant_type:"string"}' https://{api_host}/csp/gateway/am/api/auth/token