SASE Licensing APIs

SASE Licensing APIs

Getting Started

Accessing the API

The API is accessible over HTTPS via the /api/sase-licensing/v1 URL base path on Licensing server.

Unless otherwise noted, readers should interpret all URL paths that appear in this document as relative paths, to which the /api/sase-licensing/v1 base path must be prepended in order to produce complete, valid URL paths. For example, to fetch a collection of Subscription units, a Licensing Admin would make an HTTP GET call to the /api/sase-licensing/v1/subscriptionUnits endpoint.


An API token is required to access the API. Users should treat API tokens as highly sensitive, just as they would treat their password. The API server looks for API tokens on incoming requests in an HTTP Authorization header which specifies the Token authentication scheme. That is to say, a well-formed Authorization header containing an API token looks like: Authorization: Token <token>. To generate such token you need to make GET request to /auth/generateToken

Main workflows

Find unassigned/available subscription licenses, assign edges to those licenses

  • Make GET request to /subscriptionUnits. Unassigned subscription licenses have edgeAssignmentStatus set to UNASSIGNED

  • Make GET request to /vcoEdges. Available Edges have licenseAssignmentStatus set to UNASSIGNED

  • Make POST request to /subscriptionAssignments/batch to assign subscription licenses to Edges

Pull report of unassigned edges

  • Make POST request to /reports to generate a EXCESS_EDGE_DEPLOYMENTS report (templateId = 4).

  • Make GET request to /reports with report's logicalId to retrieve a report entity. When report generation will be finished - status field will have value COMPLETED and url field will contain the link for report download.

Pull report of subscription licenses expiring in the next 1 year

  • Make POST request to /reports to generate a EXPIRING_SUBSCRIPTIONS report (templateId = 1).

  • Make GET request to /reports with report's logicalId to retrieve a report entity.

Pull report of shipped edges but not deployed

  • Make POST request to /reports to generate a ACTIVATED_EDGES report (templateId = 5).

  • Make GET request to /reports with report's logicalId to retrieve a report entity.

Pull report of subscriptions that are not in use

  • Make POST request to /reports to generate UNUSED_SUBSCRIPTIONS report (templateId = 3).

  • Make GET request to /reports with report's logicalId to retrieve a report entity.

Pull alerts on expiring subscriptions

  • We do not have api to pull specific alerts. Make GET /subscriptionAlerts request to pull all alerts related to specific customer