Get Resource Metric Meta Data
Get information like description, unit, value_type, metric_type about the metric keys available for a resource type.
Resource Type for which metric keys and their information is requested for. Supported NSX resource types are PolicyEdgeNode, ClusterNode, Tier0Interface, Tier1Interface, Tier0, Tier1. Supported NAPP (NSX Kubernetes Application Platform) resource types are Napp (Kubernetes cluster level) and NappNode (Kubernetes worker level).
"results": [
"description": "string",
"key": "string",
"unit": "string",
"aggregate_by_resource_ids": false,
"value_type": "string"
Results array where each entry in the array is of type MetricKeyMetadataInfo.
Invalid Input was provided to this request. Please ensure resource_type is provided and is a valid value. Supported NSX resource types are PolicyEdgeNode, ClusterNode, Tier0Interface, Tier1Interface, Tier0, Tier1. Supported NAPP (NSX Kubernetes Application Platform) resource types are Napp (Kubernetes cluster level) and NappNode (Kubernetes worker level).