ESXCLI Commands

ESXCLI Commands

esxcli daemon Commands

Command Description Options Help
daemon control restart Restart the daemons for the specified solution ID.
--solution-id | -s
Specifies the solution ID to restart daemons for. (required)
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daemon control start Start the daemons for the specified solution ID.
--solution-id | -s
Specifies the solution ID to start daemons for. (required)
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daemon control stop Stop the daemons for the specified DSDK built solution.
--solution-id | -s
Specifies the solution ID to stop daemons for. (required)
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daemon entitlement add Add Partner REST entitlements to the partner user.
--partner-user-name | -p
Specifies the partner's user name. (required)
--read-acccess | -r
Grant read access to the partner.
--write-acccess | -w
Grant write access to the partner.
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daemon entitlement list List the installed DSDK built daemons.
--partner-user-name | -p
Specifies the partner's user name. (required)
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daemon entitlement remove Remove Partner REST entitlments from the partner user.
--partner-user-name | -p
Specifies the partner's user name. (required)
--read-acccess | -r
Remove read access from the partner.
--write-acccess | -w
Remove write access from the partner.
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daemon info get Get running daemon status for the specified solution ID.
--solution-id | -s
Specifies the solution-id to get status for. (required)
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daemon info list List the installed DSDK built daemons.
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