Get Catalog
Return a specific catalog in an organization. The id of the organization is fetched from CSP token
Details of the catalog
"Catalog Object"
Identifier of the catalog
Name of the catalog
Date when the catalog was registered
Last date when the catalog was updated
Date when the catalog was removed
Catalog is (or can be) shared with different organizations
Organization owns the catalog
Section to include hyperlinks based on Hypertext Application Language
An error related to the request
"ConstraintsViolationsError Object"
It represents a constraints violation error
The requesting user is not authorized to get the catalog
"Error403 Object"
The requested catalog is not found
"Error404 Object"
An internal server error object
"Error500 Object"
The server is temporarily unavailable
"Error503 Object"
curl -H 'Authorization: <value>' https://{api_host}/v1/catalogs/{catalog_id}