

The NamespaceSelfService.Summary structure contains basic information about the namespace service.

JSON Example
    "cluster": "string",
    "capability": "string",
    "status": "string"

Identifier for the cluster to which namespace service is associated. When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the field must be an identifier for the resource type: ClusterComputeResource. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the field will be an identifier for the resource type: ClusterComputeResource.


The NamespaceSelfService.Capability enumerated type describes the self-service namespace capability of the cluster on which vSphere Namespaces enabled.
UNKNOWN : The initial value that represents the in-progress activity of determining the cluster's self-service namespace capability.
SUPPORTED : The value that indicates the cluster supports self-service namespace capability. The expected transition UNKNOWN --> SUPPORTED
NOTSUPPORTED : The value that indicates the cluster doesn't support the self-service namespace capability. The expected transition UNKNOWN --> NOTSUPPORTED


The page describes the status of the namespace self-service on the cluster on which vSphere Namespaces enabled.
CONFIGURING : The configuration is being applied to the service.
RUNNING : The namespace self service is configured correctly. The expected transitions: 1. CONFIGURING --> RUNNING 2. RUNNING --> CONFIGURING. This transition occurs in the below scenarios: a. When different Dev Users/Groups are empowered with self-service namespace access. b. To reconcile the state of the cluster after the cluster upgrade.
REMOVING : The configuration is being removed and service is being deleted. The expected transitions: 1. CONFIGURING --> RUNNING --> REMOVING 2. CONFIGURING --> REMOVING
DEACTIVATED : The namespace self service is deactivated. This status also represents the initial status of the service before activation. The expected transitions after the service is activated: 1. CONFIGURING --> RUNNING --> REMOVING --> DEACTIVATED 2. CONFIGURING --> REMOVING --> DEACTIVATED
ERROR : Failed to apply the configuration to the namespace self-service or unable to deactivate the namespace self-service, user intervention needed. The expected transitions: 1. CONFIGURING --> ERROR 2. CONFIGURING --> RUNNING --> ERROR 3. CONFIGURING --> RUNNING --> REMOVING --> ERROR 4. CONFIGURING --> REMOVING --> ERROR The NamespaceSelfService.Info.messages field captures the relevant error messages explaining this ERROR status.