The Networks.VsphereDVPGNetworkSetSpec structure contains new configuration to set on an existing a vSphere DVPG-backed Namespaces Network object.
"portgroup": "string",
"address_ranges": [
"address": "string",
"count": 0
"gateway": "string",
"subnet_mask": "string"
Identifier of the vSphere Distributed Portgroup backing the vSphere network object. If the network object is associated with a Namespace or is Clusters.WorkloadNetworksEnableSpec.supervisor-primary-workload-network, modification to existing portgroup will result in the operation failing with a ResourceInUse error. When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the field must be an identifier for the resource type: Network. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the field will be an identifier for the resource type: Network.
Usable IP pools on this network. If the network object is associated with a Namespace or is Clusters.WorkloadNetworksEnableSpec.supervisor-primary-workload-network, then replacement of or modification to any existing range in this list will result in operation failing with a ResourceInUse error. To add new address ranges to the list, existing address ranges have to be passed in without modifications.
Gateway for the network. If the network object is associated with a Namespace or is Clusters.WorkloadNetworksEnableSpec.supervisor-primary-workload-network, then modification to existing gateway will result in the operation failing with a ResourceInUse error.
Subnet mask of the network. If the network object is associated with a Namespace or is Clusters.WorkloadNetworksEnableSpec.supervisor-primary-workload-network, then modification to existing subnet mask will result in the operation failing with a ResourceInUse error.