Filter Ovf Library Item Id

Filter Ovf Library Item Id

Queries an OVF package stored in content library to retrieve information to use when deploying the package. See LibraryItem.deploy. This operation retrieves information from the descriptor of the OVF package stored in the library item specified by ovfLibraryItemId. The information returned by the operation can be used to populate the deployment specification (see LibraryItem.ResourcePoolDeploymentSpec when deploying the OVF package to the deployment target specified by target.

if you do not have all of the privileges described as follows:

  • Operation execution requires System.Read.
  • The resource com.vmware.content.library.Item referenced by the parameter ovfLibraryItemId requires System.Read.
  • The resource ResourcePool referenced by the attribute LibraryItem.DeploymentTarget.resource-pool-id requires System.Read.
  • The resource HostSystem referenced by the attribute requires System.Read.
  • The resource Folder referenced by the attribute LibraryItem.DeploymentTarget.folder-id requires System.Read.
Path Parameters

Identifier of the content library item containing the OVF package to query. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.content.library.Item.

Request Body
Ovf_LibraryItem_Filter_RequestBody of type(s) application/json

Show optional properties

    "target": {
        "resource_pool_id": "string"
    "target": {
        "resource_pool_id": "string",
        "host_id": "string",
        "folder_id": "string"

Specification of the deployment target.

This operation uses the following authentication methods.

Information that can be used to populate the deployment specification (see LibraryItem.ResourcePoolDeploymentSpec) when deploying the OVF package to the deployment target specified by target.

Returns Ovf_LibraryItem_OvfSummary of type(s) application/json
    "name": "string",
    "annotation": "string",
    "EULAs": [
    "networks": [
    "storage_groups": [
    "additional_params": [

Default name for the virtual machine or virtual appliance. If unset, the OVF descriptor did not specify a name.


Default annotation for the virtual machine or virtual appliance. If unset, the OVF descriptor did not specify an annotation.

array of string

End User License Agreements specified in the OVF descriptor. All end user license agreements must be accepted in order for the LibraryItem.deploy operation to succeed. See LibraryItem.ResourcePoolDeploymentSpec.accept-all-eula.

array of string

Section identifiers for sections of type ovf:NetworkSection in the OVF descriptor. These identifiers can be used as keys in If unset, the OVF descriptor did not specify any networks.

array of string

Section identifiers for sections of type vmw:StorageGroupSection in the OVF descriptor. These identifiers can be used as keys in If unset, the OVF descriptor did not specify any storage groups.

array of object

Additional OVF parameters which can be specified for the deployment target. These OVF parameters can be inspected, optionally modified, and used as values in LibraryItem.ResourcePoolDeploymentSpec.additional-parameters for the LibraryItem.deploy operation. If unset, the OVF descriptor does not require addtional parameters or does not have additional parameters suitable for the deployment target. When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the field must contain all the attributes defined in OvfParams. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the field will contain all the attributes defined in OvfParams.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.invalid_argument : if target contains invalid arguments.

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found : if the library item specified by ovfLibraryItemId does not exist. if any resource specified by a field of the LibraryItem.DeploymentTarget structure, specified by target, does not exist.

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.resource_inaccessible : if there was an error accessing the OVF package at the specified ovfLibraryItemId.

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.


'Default' means this response is used for all HTTP codes that are not covered individually for this operation.

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.