Vcenter APIs

Vcenter APIs

The vcenter package provides services for managing VMware vSphere environments. The package is available starting in vSphere 6.5.

API Categories

The VM service provides operations for managing the lifecycle of a virtual machine.


The Cluster service provides operations to deploy and undeploy a vCenter High Availability (VCHA) cluster, failover from the active VCHA node to the passive VCHA node, and retrieve the status of the VCHA cluster.


The Datacenter service provides operations to manage datacenters in the vCenter Server.


The Datastore service provides operations for manipulating a datastore.


The Deployment service provides operations to get the status of the vCenter appliance deployment.


The Folder service provides operations for manipulating a vCenter Server folder.


The Host service provides operations to manage hosts in the vCenter Server.


The Network service provides operations for manipulating a vCenter Server network.


The ResourcePool service provides operations for manipulating a vCenter Server resource pool. This service does not include virtual appliances in the inventory of resource pools even though part of the behavior of a virtual appliance is to act like a resource pool.