The PciDeviceConstraint structure contain information about PCI device's hardware compatibility certification including details like driver and/or firmware versions and the set of validated features supported
"firmware_version": "string",
"firmware_version_match": "string",
"driver_name": "string",
"driver_version": "string",
"supported_features": {
"supported_features": [
Certified Firmware Version. This field will be unset - If there is no firware version specified for the device
The FirmwareVersionMatchingCriteria enumerated type contains the criteria for firmware version comparison
Certified Driver Name. This field will be unset If there is no driver certification for the device
Certified Driver Version(Exact Matching criteria). This field will be unset If there is no driver certification for the device.
Map of solutions and the corresponding features that the device is certified for in the VMware Compatibility Guide If map is empty, device is not certified for any specific solutions like vSAN. If Service is set but features are empty, means device is certified for solution. If Service is set and features is also set, means device is certified for specific features