Vcha APIs

Vcha APIs

The vcenter vcha package provides services for deploying and monitoring a vCenter High Availability (VCHA) Cluster.

API Categories

The Cluster service provides operations to deploy and undeploy a vCenter High Availability (VCHA) cluster, failover from the active VCHA node to the passive VCHA node, and retrieve the status of the VCHA cluster.


The Operations service provides operations to figure out the currently active operations and currently disabled operations in a vCenter High Availability (VCHA) cluster.


The Active service provides operations to get information related to the active vCenter High Availability (VCHA) node.


The DeploymentType service provides operations to get the deployment type of a vCenter High Availability Cluster (VCHA Cluster).


The Mode service provides operations to manage the operating mode of a vCenter High Availability Cluster (VCHA Cluster).


The Passive service provides operations to validate a passive's placement configuration and redeploy the passive node in a vCenter High Availability (VCHA) cluster.


The Witness service provides operations to validate a witness's placement configuration and redeploy the witness node in a vCenter High Availability (VCHA) cluster.