The LocationSpec structure is used to pass the container ESXi or vCenter server of the VM to patch the size of this appliance.
"hostname": "string",
"https_port": 0,
"ssl_thumbprint": "string",
"ssl_verify": false,
"username": "string",
"password": "string"
The IP address or DNS resolvable name of the container.
The HTTPS port of the container. If unset, port 443 will be used.
SHA1 thumbprint of the server SSL certificate will be used for verification. This field is only relevant if LocationSpec.ssl-verify is unset or has the value true.
SSL verification should be enabled or disabled. If LocationSpec.ssl-verify is true and and LocationSpec.ssl-thumbprint is unset, the CA certificate will be used for verification. If LocationSpec.ssl-verify is true and LocationSpec.ssl-thumbprint is set then the thumbprint will be used for verification. No verification will be performed if LocationSpec.ssl-verify value is set to false. If unset, ssl_verify true will be used.
The administrator account on the host.
The administrator account password.