

The ComplianceStatus.ReclassificationSpec structure contains information about the storage device and the corresponding override that must be applied to the specified device. Note: This data structure is specifically limited to a 'Key'/'Value' pair to model smaller changes to the larger overall set of overrides applicable to a given storage device

JSON Example
    "key": {
        "model": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "capacity": 0,
        "part_number": "string",
        "firmware_version": "string",
        "driver_name": "string",
        "driver_version": "string",
        "release": "string",
        "validated_features_in_use": {
            "validated_features_in_use": [
    "override": "string"

The ComplianceStatus.Key structure specifies information about the storage device for which this override must be applied to.


The ComplianceStatus.ComplianceAction enumerated type enumerates the possible compliance status overrides for a storage device.
MARK_AS_VERIFIED : Specifying this override for a storage device would ignore the compatibility issues if any, and treat the drive as compliant with VMware Compatibility Guide (VCG)
FLAG_AS_INCOMPATIBLE : Specifying this override for a storage device would flag the drive as non-compliant with VMware Compatibility Guide (VCG)
SUPPRESS_WARNING : Specifying this override for a storage device would suppress the compatibility issues if any.