Get Version Update Pending

Get Version Update Pending

Gets update information

Path Parameters

Update version The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.appliance.update.pending.

This operation uses the following authentication methods.


Returns Update_Pending_Info of type(s) application/json
    "name": "string",
    "contents": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "services_will_be_stopped": [
            "service": "string",
            "description": "Std_LocalizableMessage Object"
    "eulas": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "staged": false,
    "knowledge_base": "string",
    "description": {
        "id": "string",
        "default_message": "string",
        "args": [
        "params": {
            "params": {
                "s": "string",
                "dt": "string",
                "i": 0,
                "d": "number",
                "l": {
                    "id": "string",
                    "params": {
                        "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                "format": "string",
                "precision": 0
        "localized": "string"
    "priority": "string",
    "severity": "string",
    "update_type": "string",
    "release_date": "string",
    "reboot_required": false,
    "size": 0

Name of the update.


List of the 1. issues addressed since previous/current version 2. new features/improvements


List of the services that will be stopped and restarted during the update installation.


List of EULAs. This list has multiple entries and can be dynamic based on what we are actually installing.


Is the update staged

string As uri

URL for the knowledge base article describing this update.


The LocalizableMessage structure represents localizable string and message template. Services include one or more localizable message templates in the errors they report so that clients can display diagnostic messages in the native language of the user. Services can include localizable strings in the data returned from operations to allow clients to display localized status information in the native language of the user.


The CommonInfo.Priority enumerated type defines the update installation priority recommendations.
HIGH : Install ASAP
MEDIUM : Install at the earliest convenience
LOW : Install at your discretion


The CommonInfo.Severity enumerated type defines the severity of the issues fixed in the update.
CRITICAL : Vulnerabilities that can be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker from the Internet or those that break the guest/host Operating System isolation. The exploitation results in the complete compromise of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of user data and/or processing resources without user interaction. Exploitation could be leveraged to propagate an Internet worm or execute arbitrary code between Virtual Machines and/or the Host Operating System.
IMPORTANT : Vulnerabilities that are not rated critical but whose exploitation results in the complete compromise of confidentiality and/or integrity of user data and/or processing resources through user assistance or by authenticated attackers. This rating also applies to those vulnerabilities which could lead to the complete compromise of availability when exploitation is by a remote unauthenticated attacker from the Internet or through a breach of virtual machine isolation.
MODERATE : Vulnerabilities where the ability to exploit is mitigated to a significant degree by configuration or difficulty of exploitation, but in certain deployment scenarios could still lead to the compromise of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of user data and/or processing resources.
LOW : All other issues that have a security impact. Vulnerabilities where exploitation is believed to be extremely difficult, or where successful exploitation would have minimal impact


The CommonInfo.Category enumerated type defines update type
SECURITY : Fixes vulnerabilities, doesn't change functionality
FIX : Fixes bugs/vulnerabilities, doesn't change functionality
UPDATE : Changes product functionality
UPGRADE : Introduces new features, significantly changes product functionality

string As date-time

Update release date.


Flag indicating whether reboot is required after update.

integer As int64

Download Size of update in Megabytes.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.already_in_desired_state : if the update of this version is already installed

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.unauthenticated : session is not authenticated

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.unauthorized : session is not authorized to perform this operation

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found : the update is not found

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.error : Generic error

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.


'Default' means this response is used for all HTTP codes that are not covered individually for this operation.

Returns Std_Errors_Error of type(s) application/json
    "messages": [
            "id": "string",
            "default_message": "string",
            "args": [
            "params": {
                "params": {
                    "s": "string",
                    "dt": "string",
                    "i": 0,
                    "d": "number",
                    "l": {
                        "id": "string",
                        "params": {
                            "params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
                    "format": "string",
                    "precision": 0
            "localized": "string"
    "data": {},
    "error_type": "string"

Stack of one or more localizable messages for human error consumers. The message at the top of the stack (first in the list) describes the error from the perspective of the operation the client invoked.

Each subsequent message in the stack describes the "cause" of the prior message.


Data to facilitate clients responding to the operation reporting a standard error to indicating that it was unable to complete successfully. Operations may provide data that clients can use when responding to errors. Since the data that clients need may be specific to the context of the operation reporting the error, different operations that report the same error may provide different data in the error. The documentation for each each operation will describe what, if any, data it provides for each error it reports.

The ArgumentLocations, FileLocations, and TransientIndication structures are intended as possible values for this field. DynamicID may also be useful as a value for this field (although that is not its primary purpose). Some services may provide their own specific structures for use as the value of this field when reporting errors from their operations.

Some operations will not set this field when reporting errors.


Enumeration of all standard errors. Used as discriminator in protocols that have no standard means for transporting the error type, e.g. REST.
ERROR : Discriminator for the Error type.
ALREADY_EXISTS : Discriminator for the AlreadyExists type.
ALREADY_IN_DESIRED_STATE : Discriminator for the AlreadyInDesiredState type.
CANCELED : Discriminator for the Canceled type.
CONCURRENT_CHANGE : Discriminator for the ConcurrentChange type.
FEATURE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the FeatureInUse type.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : Discriminator for the InternalServerError type.
INVALID_ARGUMENT : Discriminator for the InvalidArgument type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_CONFIGURATION : Discriminator for the InvalidElementConfiguration type.
INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE : Discriminator for the InvalidElementType type.
INVALID_REQUEST : Discriminator for the InvalidRequest type.
NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATE : Discriminator for the NotAllowedInCurrentState type.
NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the NotFound type.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND : Discriminator for the OperationNotFound type.
RESOURCE_BUSY : Discriminator for the ResourceBusy type.
RESOURCE_IN_USE : Discriminator for the ResourceInUse type.
RESOURCE_INACCESSIBLE : Discriminator for the ResourceInaccessible type.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE : Discriminator for the ServiceUnavailable type.
TIMED_OUT : Discriminator for the TimedOut type.
UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_RESOURCE : Discriminator for the UnableToAllocateResource type.
UNAUTHENTICATED : Discriminator for the Unauthenticated type.
UNAUTHORIZED : Discriminator for the Unauthorized type.
UNEXPECTED_INPUT : Discriminator for the UnexpectedInput type.
UNSUPPORTED : Discriminator for the Unsupported type.
UNVERIFIED_PEER : Discriminator for the UnverifiedPeer type.