

The DesiredState structure defines the configuration about different components in vCenter. Warning: This structure is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.

JSON Example
    "appliance": "Vcenter_Settings_V1_Config_Components_Applmgmt_ApplianceManagement Object",
    "authmgmt": "Vcenter_Settings_V1_Config_Components_Authmanagement_AuthenticationManagement Object",
    "inventory": "Vcenter_Settings_V1_Config_Components_Inventory_InventoryManagement Object",
    "vsphereuiconfiguration": "Vcenter_Settings_V1_Config_Components_Vsphereuiconfiguration_VsphereUIConfiguration Object",
    "invtauthmgmt": "Vcenter_Settings_V1_Config_Components_Inventoryauthorization_InventoryAuthorization Object",
    "managementcluster": "Vcenter_Settings_V1_Config_Components_Managementcluster_ManagementCluster Object"

Appliance Management component desired spec. Warning: This attribute is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.


Authentication Management component desired spec. Warning: This attribute is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.


Inventory Configurations. Warning: This attribute is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.


Clientcapabilities Configurations. Warning: This attribute is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.


Inventory Authorization. Warning: This attribute is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments.


Management Cluster Configurations. Warning: This attribute is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments. This field is optional because it was added in a newer version than its parent node.