The LibraryItem.ResultInfo structure defines the information returned along with the result of a LibraryItem.create or LibraryItem.deploy operation to describe errors, warnings, and informational messages produced by the server.
"errors": [
"category": "string",
"issues": [
"category": "string",
"file": "string",
"line_number": 0,
"column_number": 0,
"message": {
"id": "string",
"default_message": "string",
"args": [
"params": {
"params": {
"s": "string",
"dt": "string",
"i": 0,
"d": "number",
"l": {
"id": "string",
"params": {
"params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
"format": "string",
"precision": 0
"localized": "string"
"name": "string",
"value": "string",
"message": {
"id": "string",
"default_message": "string",
"args": [
"params": {
"params": {
"s": "string",
"dt": "string",
"i": 0,
"d": "number",
"l": {
"id": "string",
"params": {
"params": "Std_LocalizationParam Object"
"format": "string",
"precision": 0
"localized": "string"
"error": {}
"warnings": [
"category": "Ovf_OvfMessage_Category Object",
"issues": [
"Ovf_ParseIssue Object"
"name": "string",
"value": "string",
"message": "Std_LocalizableMessage Object",
"error": {}
"information": [
"messages": [
"Std_LocalizableMessage Object"
Errors reported by the LibraryItem.create or LibraryItem.deploy operation. These errors would have prevented the LibraryItem.create or LibraryItem.deploy operation from completing successfully.
Warnings reported by the LibraryItem.create or LibraryItem.deploy operation. These warnings would not have prevented the LibraryItem.create or LibraryItem.deploy operation from completing successfully, but there might be issues that warrant attention.
Information messages reported by the LibraryItem.create or LibraryItem.deploy operation. For example, a non-required parameter was ignored.