Cluster APIs

Cluster APIs

The Cluster service provides operations to deploy and undeploy a vCenter High Availability (VCHA) cluster, failover from the active VCHA node to the passive VCHA node, and retrieve the status of the VCHA cluster.

API Categories

The Modules service provides operations to manage cluster modules. A cluster module contains a subset of the objects of a single vCenter cluster. A cluster module forms a scope on which compute-policies that relate objects operate; e.g., instead of considering all virtual machines in the cluster, the policy only considers all virtual machines in a cluster module. Warning: This service is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented. Note: This service is restricted for VMware internal use only.


The AlgoParameter service provides operations to set/get EDRS algorithm parameters for a cluster. Warning: This service is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments. Note: This service is restricted for VMware internal use only.


The MaintenanceMode service provides operations to handle the scale out request when entering cluster maintanence mode and the scale in request when exiting maintenance mode. Warning: This service is available as Technology Preview. These are early access APIs provided to test, automate and provide feedback on the feature. Since this can change based on feedback, VMware does not guarantee backwards compatibility and recommends against using them in production environments. Some Technology Preview APIs might only be applicable to specific environments. Note: This service is restricted for VMware internal use only.


The Recommendation service provides operations to give scale in (to remove host) / scale out (to add host) recommendation for a cluster. Note: This service is restricted for VMware internal use only.


The Members service provides operations to manage the membership of virtual machines in a cluster module. Warning: This service is part of a new feature in development. It may be changed at any time and may not have all supported functionality implemented. Note: This service is restricted for VMware internal use only.