The Floppy.Info structure contains information about a virtual floppy drive.
"label": "string",
"backing": {
"type": "string",
"image_file": "string",
"host_device": "string",
"auto_detect": false
"state": "string",
"start_connected": false,
"allow_guest_control": false
Device label.
The Floppy.BackingInfo structure contains information about the physical resource backing a virtual floppy drive.
The ConnectionState enumerated type defines the valid states for a removable device that is configured to be connected.
CONNECTED : The device is connected and working correctly.
RECOVERABLE_ERROR : Device connection failed due to a recoverable error; for example, the virtual device backing is currently in use by another virtual machine.
UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR : Device connection failed due to an unrecoverable error; for example, the virtual device backing does not exist.
NOT_CONNECTED : The device is not connected.
UNKNOWN : The device status is unknown.
Flag indicating whether the virtual device should be connected whenever the virtual machine is powered on.
Flag indicating whether the guest can connect and disconnect the device.