The DataSets.UpdateSpec structure describes attibutes of a data set that can be modified.
"description": "string",
"host": "string",
"guest": "string",
"omit_from_snapshot_and_clone": false
A description of how the data set is used by its creator. This field can contain up to 1024 bytes. If set, the value is changed.
Possible Entry access modes.
NONE : No access is allowed for data set Entries.
READ_ONLY : Only read access is allowed for data set Entries.
READ_WRITE : Full read, write and delete access is allowed on data set Entries.
Possible Entry access modes.
NONE : No access is allowed for data set Entries.
READ_ONLY : Only read access is allowed for data set Entries.
READ_WRITE : Full read, write and delete access is allowed on data set Entries.
If set, the data set is considered a property of the virtual machine, and is not included in a snapshot operation or when the virtual machine is cloned. When a virtual machine is reverted to a snapshot, any data set with {@link #omitFromSnapshotAndClone) set will be destroyed. Any data set with DataSets.UpdateSpec.omit-from-snapshot-and-clone unset will be restored to the state when the snapshot was created. If set, the value is changed.