The Access.Info structure contains the information about the access control of the subject on given domain on the namespace.
"role": "string",
"identity_provider": "string",
"inherited": false
The Access.Role enumerated type lists the default roles which can be associated with a subject on a domain on the namespace.
OWNER : This role allows modification and deletion of the namespace.
EDIT : This role allows modification of the namespace.
VIEW : This is a read-only role on the namespace.
UUID of an external identity provider for the user, if any. Use this field if the user is coming from an external identity provider configured via the com.vmware.vcenter.namespace_management.supervisors.identity.Providers service. If unset, vCenter Single Sign-On will be used as the identity provider. When clients pass a value of this structure as a parameter, the field must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.namespace_management.identity.Provider. When operations return a value of this structure as a result, the field will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.namespace_management.identity.Provider.
Flag to indicate if the Access.Info.role is direct or inherited. The value is set to true if the Access.Info.role is inherited from group membership This field is optional because it was added in a newer version than its parent node.