The Clusters.WorkloadNetworksEnableSpec contains the specification required to configure workload networks for a vSphere Namespaces Cluster during Enable operation. These workload networks will be used as backing network for Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster VMs and Kubernetes control plane VMs.
"supervisor_primary_workload_network": {
"network": "string",
"network_provider": "string",
"vsphere_network": {
"portgroup": "string",
"ip_assignment_mode": "string",
"address_ranges": [
"address": "string",
"count": 0
"gateway": "string",
"subnet_mask": "string"
"nsx_network": {
"namespace_network_cidrs": [
"address": "string",
"prefix": 0
"ingress_cidrs": [
"address": "string",
"prefix": 0
"egress_cidrs": [
"address": "string",
"prefix": 0
"nsx_tier0_gateway": "string",
"subnet_prefix_length": 0,
"routed_mode": false,
"load_balancer_size": "string"
"network_list": [
"network": "string",
"network_provider": "string",
"vsphere_network": {
"portgroup": "string",
"ip_assignment_mode": "string",
"address_ranges": [
"address": "string",
"count": 0
"gateway": "string",
"subnet_mask": "string"
"nsx_network": {
"namespace_network_cidrs": [
"address": "string",
"prefix": 0
"ingress_cidrs": [
"address": "string",
"prefix": 0
"egress_cidrs": [
"address": "string",
"prefix": 0
"nsx_tier0_gateway": "string",
"subnet_prefix_length": 0,
"routed_mode": false,
"load_balancer_size": "string"
The Networks.CreateSpec structure contains the specification required to create a vSphere Namespaces network object.
Networks#CreateSpec structurees for additional list of vSphere Namespaces networks to be associated with this cluster. If unset no additional networks will be associated with the cluster.