The OperationResultInfo structure contains the metamodel information of an operation result element. An operation accepts a list of parameters and returns a result or an error. The OperationResultInfo describes the result element of an operation.
"type": {
"category": "string",
"builtin_type": "string",
"user_defined_type": {
"resource_type": "string",
"resource_id": "string"
"generic_instantiation": {
"generic_type": "string",
"element_type": "Metadata_Metamodel_Type Object",
"map_key_type": "Metadata_Metamodel_Type Object",
"map_value_type": "Metadata_Metamodel_Type Object"
"metadata": {
"metadata": {
"elements": {
"elements": {
"type": "string",
"long_value": 0,
"string_value": "string",
"list_value": [
"structure_id": "string",
"structure_ids": [
"documentation": "string"
The Type structure describes the type information of a typed element in the interface definiton language. The following elements in the metamodel are typed:
- Field element in a structure element. See StructureInfo.fields
- Parameter element in an operation element. See OperationInfo.params
- Result element in an operation element. See OperationInfo.output The type could be one of the three following categories:
- Built-in types: These are types present in the interface definition language type system. They are provided by the infrastructure.
- User defined named type: API designers can create custom types and use them for the typed elements. These types have a unique identifier.
- Generic type instantiation: The language infrastructure also provides generic types such as list, map, set and so on. An instantiation of one of these generic types could also be used for the typed elements.
Generic metadata elements for the service element. The key in the map is the name of the metadata element and the value is the data associated with that metadata element. The MetadataIdentifier contains possible string values for keys in the map.
English language documentation for the operation result element. It can contain HTML markup and Javadoc tags.