The Components.ComponentVersionSummary structure defines the summary information regarding a version of a component.
"version": "string",
"display_version": "string",
"summary": "string",
"category": "string",
"urgency": "string",
"kb": "string",
"release_date": "string"
Version of the component.
Human readable version of the component.
Summary of the component version.
The Components.CategoryType enumerated type defines possible values of categories for a component.
SECURITY : Security
ENHANCEMENT : Enhancement
BUGFIX : Bugfix
RECALL : Recall
RECALL_FIX : Recall-fix
INFO : Info
MISC : Misc
GENERAL : General
The Components.UrgencyType enumerated type defines possible values of urgencies for a component.
CRITICAL : Critical
IMPORTANT : Important
MODERATE : Moderate
LOW : Low
GENERAL : General
Link to kb article related to this the component version.
Release date of the component version.