The Apply.ConfiguredPolicySpec structure contains fields that describe the policies configured to be used when the software and configuration specification documents are applied to ESXi clusters.
"failure_action": {
"action": "string",
"retry_delay": 0,
"retry_count": 0
"pre_remediation_power_action": "string",
"enable_quick_boot": false,
"disable_dpm": false,
"disable_hac": false,
"evacuate_offline_vms": false,
"enforce_hcl_validation": false,
"parallel_remediation_action": {
"enabled": false,
"max_hosts": 0
"enforce_quick_patch": false,
"config_manager_policy_spec": {
"serial_remediation": false
The Apply.FailureAction structure contains fields that describe the actions to be taken when entering maintenance mode fails on a single host within the cluster.
The Apply.ConfiguredPolicySpec.PreRemediationPowerAction enumerated type defines the possible actions to be taken on VMs before entering maintenance mode.
POWER_OFF_VMS : Power off VMs before entering maintenance mode.
SUSPEND_VMS : Suspend VMs before entering maintenance mode
DO_NOT_CHANGE_VMS_POWER_STATE : Do not change the VM power state
SUSPEND_VMS_TO_MEMORY : Suspend VMs to Memory before entering maintenance mode
Enable Quick Boot during remediation in the cluster. If unset, configured value would be unset.
Disable DPM on the cluster. If unset, configured value would be unset.
Disable HA Admission control on the cluster. If unset, configured value would be unset.
Evacuate powered off/suspended VMs when attempting maintenance mode. If unset, configured value would be unset.
Enforce Hcl validation, when applicable, to prevent remediation if hardware compatibility issues are found. If unset, hardware compatibility issues will not prevent remediation.
Enforce quick patch on the cluster for images that support it. If unset, configured value would be unset.
This specification defines the settings to manage the com.vmware.esx.settings.clusters.Configuration.apply API behaviour.