Service end point type description. EndPointType typeId together with the endpoint protocol is used to identify an EndPoint.
"protocol": "string",
"typeId": "string"
Describes the protocol supported by the endpoint. Primarily used to enable clients to select from multiple end points of the same type.
The id of this endpoint type. This is a string understood by both the service and the clientto identify this function of an end point. We recommend the use of Java package-style namesto ensure uniqueness. Some common service end points types are defined by theComponentRegistry.Use the format "aaa.bbb.ccc...". For example, the Component Registry end point type id forit's API is "com.vmware.csp.core.componentregistry.api" which represents: VMware > CloudAutomation Suite> Common Services > Component Registry > API. Another example: the typeId forthe "status" endpoint is "com.vmware.csp.core.cafe.service.registry.status".