"account": "string",
"apply_immediately": false,
"arn": "string",
"availability_zones": [
"backtrack_window": 0,
"backup_retention_period": 0,
"cluster_identifier": "string",
"cluster_identifier_prefix": "string",
"cluster_members": [
"cluster_resource_id": "string",
"count": 0,
"database_name": "string",
"db_cluster_parameter_group_name": "string",
"db_subnet_group_name": "string",
"deletion_protection": false,
"enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports": [
"endpoint": "string",
"engine": "string",
"engine_mode": "string",
"engine_version": "string",
"final_snapshot_identifier": "string",
"global_cluster_identifier": "string",
"hosted_zone_id": "string",
"iam_database_authentication_enabled": false,
"iam_roles": [
"kms_key_id": "string",
"master_password": "string",
"master_username": "string",
"port": 0,
"preferred_backup_window": "string",
"preferred_maintenance_window": "string",
"reader_endpoint": "string",
"region": "string",
"replication_source_identifier": "string",
"s3_import": [
"bucket_name": "string",
"bucket_prefix": "string",
"ingestion_role": "string",
"source_engine": "string",
"source_engine_version": "string"
"scaling_configuration": [
"auto_pause": false,
"max_capacity": 0,
"min_capacity": 0,
"seconds_until_auto_pause": 0
"skip_final_snapshot": false,
"snapshot_identifier": "string",
"source_region": "string",
"storage_encrypted": false,
"vpc_security_group_ids": [
(Required) The name of the AWS cloud account to use for this resource
Whether cluster modifications are applied immediately or during the next maintenance window. Default is false (next window).
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to the cluster.
List of EC2 availability zones that can host the cluster.
Target backtracking window, in seconds, for Aurora engine clusters. Range is 0 to 259200 (72 hours). Default is 0 (no backtracking).
Lifespan, in days, of backups. Default is 1.
User-assigned identifier for the cluster. If omitted, the application assigns a random, unique identifier. Cannot be used with cluster_identifer_prefix. Forces new resources.
User-assigned prefix added to the automatic, application identifier. Cannot be used with cluster_identifer. Forces new resources.
RDS instances that are a part of this cluster.
Identifier of the resource that hosts the cluster.
The number of resource instances to be created.
Upon cluster creation, name for the automatically created database. Naming restrictions vary by database engine.
Cluster parameter group to associate with the cluster.
Database subnet group to associate with this database instance.This value must match the db_subnet_group_name specified on every aws_rds_cluster_instance in the cluster.
Whether to prevent the database cluster from being deleted. Default is false.
List of log types to export to CloudWatch. If omitted, no logs are exported.
DNS address of the RDS instance.
Database engine of aurora, aurora-mysql, or aurora-postgresql for this cluster. Default is aurora.
Database cluster engine mode of parallelquery, provisioned, or serverless. Default is provisioned.When using serverless, see the AWS RDS documentation for limitations.
Version of the engine used for the database cluster. Changing this value causes an outage.
Name for the final database snapshot.
Region-unique identifier for the global database cluster.
AWS Route53 hosted zone ID of the endpoint.
Whether to map IAM accounts to database accounts. See the AWS IAM documentation for availability and limitations.
List of ARNs for the IAM roles to associate to the RDS cluster.
ARN of the KMS encryption key when storage_encrypted is true.
Master database user account password. Optional only if using snapshot_identifier.
Master database user account. Optional only if using snapshot_identifier.
Port on which the database accepts connections.
Daily time range, in UTC, during which automated backups are created, provided that backup_retention_period is also set.
Weekly time range, in UTC, during which system maintenance can occur. For example: Wed:04:00-Wed:04:30
Read-only endpoint for Aurora engine clusters.
(Required) Target cloud region, such as us-east-1. Must be within the provider cloud account.
If this cluster will be a Read Replica, the ARN of a source database cluster or database instance.
Settings for database backup to S3.
Settings for scaling. Only used when engine_mode is serverless.
Whether to prevent a final snapshot before the database cluster is deleted. Default is false. (Before deletion, a snapshot is created according to the value from final_snapshot_identifier.)
When creating the cluster snapshot, the name or ARN of a database cluster snapshot, or the ARN of a database snapshot.
Region for the encrypted replica database cluster.
Whether the database cluster is encrypted. Default is false for provisioned engine_mode, and true for serverless engine_mode.
Database cluster resource categorization, in case-sensitive key names, or in key-value pairs.
List of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security groups to associate with the cluster.