A spec to edit the recovery plan.
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"protected_vc_guid": "string",
"protection_groups": [
"test_network_mappings": [
"target_network": "string",
"test_network": "string"
"vms_to_suspend": [
Name of the recovery plan. If null - the name will not be changed.
Description of the recovery plan. If null - the description will not be updated.
GUID of the protected site vCenter Server. Use in order to change recovery plan direction. Plan direction change is possible when there are no protection groups in the plan. If null - will not try to change the direction of the recovery plan.
A list of protection groups to be added to the recovery plan.Protection groups currently in the recovery plan and not in this list will be removed from the recovery plan.If null - no change in the protection groups will be done.
A list of test network mappings to be used for the recovery plan.If existing test network mapping is not part of the list - it will be removed from the recovery plan and site-level mapping will be used.If at site level there is no test network mapping defined, an isolated test network will be created during test operation.If null - no changes in the test network mappings will be done.
A list of VMs to be suspended during recovery. Must contain references for VMs from the recovery site.If a currently suspended VM is not part of this spec when modifying the recovery plan, it will not be suspended anymore.If null - VMs to be suspended will not be changed.