Monitor APIs

Monitor APIs

Monitor customer WAN health and usage.

API Categories

Customer Alerts, also referred to as "Alert Triggers," are stateful alarms generated and managed by the Orchestrator as various events occur across a Customer SD-WAN deployment. Note the usage of the lower-case "e" in "events", as Alerts are not always precipitated by Customer Events - for example, EDGE_DOWN Alerts are generated by a VCO monitoring job that periodically sweeps Edge records and checks how recently each Edge has contacted the VCO).

Application Maps

[OPERATOR ONLY] Application Maps consist of a list of applications and known IP/port mappings for those applications (if any). The information they contain is used by the Edge deep packet inspection (DPI) engine to inform how traffic flows are categorized for the purposes of traffic accounting (i.e. in "Flow Stats" records), and for matching traffic to firewall rules, business policies, etc. Each Edge is assigned an Application Map as part of its "Software Image". Edges that are not specifically assigned a Software Image inherit theApplication Map assigned to the the Customer-default Operator Profile.


The VCO generates Client Device records on behalf of each host that appears in Edge-reported traffic flow data. These API operations may be used to query Client Devices.


Customers are referred to as "Enterprises" in the API terminology. Operations in this group facilitate provisioning, management and monitoring of Customers and various sub-resources.


Operations in this group may be used to provision, manage and monitor Customer Edges.


Customer Events are audit records of events that transpire across a Customer SD-WAN deployment. Events may be generated by Edges, Gateways, or the Orchestrator itself.

Gateway Migration

[OPERATOR ONLY] Hitless Migration of Enterprise Edges across Gateways. Operations in this group facilitate starting, updating and monitoring Gateway migrations jobs that migrate Enterprises (its Edges) from one gateway to another

Network Services

Network Services are Customer-global resources such as Non-SD-WAN Sites, Netflow Collectors, and Authentication services which may simultaneously be configured on one or more Customer Profiles or Edges. These operations may be used to provision, manage, and monitor Network Services.