

The loop back interface ID should always be prefixed with LO and followed by an integer between 0 and 99. For example, a few valid loop back interface IDs are LO0, LO1, LO13 etc. When the interface ID does not conform to this format, it will be ignored when device settings module is updated.

JSON Example
    "LO1": {
        "cidrIp": "",
        "cidrPrefix": 32,
        "segmentId": 0,
        "pingResponse": true,
        "advertise": true,
        "disableV4": false,
        "disableV6": true,
        "ospf": {
            "enabled": false,
            "area": []
        "v6Detail": {
            "cidrIp": "",
            "cidrPrefix": 128,
            "advertise": true,
            "ospf": {
                "enabled": false,
                "area": []