Get Edge Link Quality Series
Fetch link quality timeseries for an Edge
The logicalId
GUID for the target enterprise
The logicalId
GUID for the target edge
A comma-separated list of field names corresponding to linked resources. Where supported, the server will resolve resource attributes for the specified resources.
Query interval start time represented as a 13-digit, millisecond-precision epoch timestamp.
Query interval end time represented as a 13-digit, millisecond-precision epoch timestamp.
An integer value specifying time slice value for link quality events time series data
Request successfully processed
"link": {
"_href": "string",
"created": "string",
"logicalId": "string",
"internalId": "string",
"interface": "string",
"macAddress": "string",
"ipAddress": "string",
"ipV6Address": "string",
"netmask": "string",
"networkSide": "string",
"networkType": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"userOverride": false,
"isp": "string",
"org": "string",
"lat": "number",
"lon": "number",
"lastActive": "string",
"state": "string",
"backupState": "string",
"linkMode": "string",
"lastEvent": "string",
"lastEventState": "string",
"alertsEnabled": false,
"operatorAlertsEnabled": false,
"serviceState": "string",
"modified": "string",
"edge": {
"_href": "string",
"activationKey": "string",
"activationKeyExpires": "string",
"activationState": "string",
"activationTime": "string",
"alertsEnabled": false,
"bastionState": "string",
"buildNumber": "string",
"created": "string",
"customInfo": "string",
"description": "string",
"deviceFamily": "string",
"deviceId": "string",
"dnsName": "string",
"edgeState": "string",
"edgeStateTime": "string",
"endpointPkiMode": "string",
"factoryBuildNumber": "string",
"factorySoftwareVersion": "string",
"platformBuildNumber": "string",
"platformFirmwareVersion": "string",
"modemBuildNumber": "string",
"modemFirmwareVersion": "string",
"lteRegion": "string",
"haLastContact": "string",
"haPreviousState": "string",
"haSerialNumber": "string",
"haState": "string",
"isLive": false,
"lastContact": "string",
"logicalId": "string",
"modelNumber": "string",
"modified": "string",
"name": "string",
"operatorAlertsEnabled": false,
"selfMacAddress": "string",
"serialNumber": "string",
"serviceState": "string",
"serviceUpSince": "string",
"softwareUpdated": "string",
"softwareVersion": "string",
"systemUpSince": "string",
"links": [
"_href": "string",
"created": "string",
"logicalId": "string",
"internalId": "string",
"interface": "string",
"macAddress": "string",
"ipAddress": "string",
"ipV6Address": "string",
"netmask": "string",
"networkSide": "string",
"networkType": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"userOverride": false,
"isp": "string",
"org": "string",
"lat": "number",
"lon": "number",
"lastActive": "string",
"state": "string",
"backupState": "string",
"linkMode": "string",
"lastEvent": "string",
"lastEventState": "string",
"alertsEnabled": false,
"operatorAlertsEnabled": false,
"serviceState": "string",
"modified": "string"
"site": {
"_href": "string",
"created": "string",
"name": "string",
"contactName": "string",
"contactPhone": "string",
"contactMobile": "string",
"contactEmail": "string",
"streetAddress": "string",
"streetAddress2": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"country": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"lat": "number",
"lon": "number",
"timezone": "string",
"locale": "string",
"shippingSameAsLocation": false,
"shippingContactName": "string",
"shippingAddress": "string",
"shippingAddress2": "string",
"shippingCity": "string",
"shippingState": "string",
"shippingCountry": "string",
"shippingPostalCode": "string",
"modified": "string"
"enterprise": {
"_href": "string",
"created": "string",
"alertsEnabled": false,
"operatorAlertsEnabled": false,
"endpointPkiMode": "string",
"name": "string",
"domain": "string",
"prefix": "string",
"logicalId": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"description": "string",
"contactName": "string",
"contactPhone": "string",
"contactMobile": "string",
"contactEmail": "string",
"streetAddress": "string",
"streetAddress2": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"country": "string",
"lat": "number",
"lon": "number",
"timezone": "string",
"locale": "string",
"modified": "string",
"gatewayPool": {
"_href": "string"
"bastionState": "string"
"haMode": "string",
"standbySystemUpSince": "string",
"standbyServiceUpSince": "string",
"standbySoftwareVersion": "string",
"standbyFactorySoftwareVersion": "string",
"standbyFactoryBuildNumber": "string",
"standbyBuildNumber": "string",
"standbyModelNumber": "string",
"standbyDeviceId": "string"
"series": [
"data": [
"min": "number",
"max": "number",
"startTime": "string",
"tickInterval": "number",
"total": "number",
"metric": "string"
"ValidationError Object"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation
A list of property-specific errors
"UnAuthorized Object"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation
Resource not found
"ResourceNotFoundError Object"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation
Rate Limit Exceeded
"RateLimitExceededError Object"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation
Internal server error
"InternalServerError Object"
A unique error code
The name of the property to which the error applies, if applicable
A detailed description of the error condition intended for developers of API clients, which may include recommendations for resolution
A non-technical description of the error condition
A link to applicable external documentation
curl -H 'Authorization: <value>' https://{api_host}/api/sdwan/v2/enterprises/{enterpriseLogicalId}/edges/{edgeLogicalId}/linkQualityStats/timeSeries?start=v