The full address of the user
"type": "home",
"region": "CA",
"country": "USA",
"formatted": "456 Hollywood Blvd\nHollywood, CA 91608 USA",
"streetAddress": "456 Hollywood Blvd",
"postalCode": "91608",
"primary": true,
"locality": "Hollywood"
A label indicating the attribute's function; e.g., 'work' or 'home'
The state or region component
The country name component.When specified, the value MUST be in ISO 3166-1 "alpha-2" code format [ISO3166]; e.g., the United States and Sweden are "US" and "SE", respectively.
The full mailing address, formatted for display or use with a mailing label
The full street address component, which may include house number, street name, P.O. box, and multi-line extended street address information
The zip code or postal code component
A Boolean value indicating the 'primary' or preferred attribute value for this attribute. The primary attribute value 'true' MUST appear no more than once.
The city or locality component