Rotate Secret For Broker O Auth2 Client
This endpoint is responsible for rotating an OAuth 2.0 client secret. The rotation is started using the start-rotate-secret action and it ends by explicitly calling the API with the retire-primary-secret action, or implicitly when the auto rotation duration expires. During the rotation, both the primary and secondary secrets can be used for the client credentials. When the rotation ends, the secondary secret will become the primary secret. When using the retire-primary-secret action, the BrokerOAuth2ClientStartSecretRotationMedia payload should be empty.
The OAuth 2.0 client identifier
The VMware Identity Services tenant ID
The action for the OAuth 2.0 client secret rotation. 'start-rotate-secret' will start secret rotation for the OAuth 2.0 client. 'retire-primary-secret' will explicitly finish an ongoing secret rotation by retiring the existing primary secret and replacing it with the secondary secret.
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"primary_secret_auto_retire_duration": 2880,
"secondary_secret": "MySecret@#$"
The resource HATEOAS links. Usually includes a "self" link for this resource
Indicates how long in minutes until primary secret will retire automatically. Default value if not specified is 1 day. Maximum value is 7 days. The field is optional when starting a secret rotation and it is ignored when ending a rotation
An alternative secret to the client primary secret that will replace the existing primary secret when the secret rotation ends. The field is mandatory when starting a secret rotation and it is ignored when ending a rotation.
OAuth 2.0 client secret rotation action was successful.
Invalid start secret rotation input or secret rotation already started when action is start-rotate-secret. Secret rotation not started when action is retire-primary-secret.
Unauthorized to perform secret rotation for the OAuth 2.0 client.
Forbidden to perform secret rotation for the OAuth 2.0 client.
OAuth 2.0 client is not found.