This spec contains the parameters required to convert a Standard vSAN cluster to a Stretched cluster
"hostSpecs": [
"azName": "string",
"hostName": "string",
"hostNetworkSpec": {
"networkProfileName": "string",
"vmNics": [
"id": "string",
"moveToNvds": false,
"uplink": "string",
"vdsName": "string"
"id": "string",
"ipAddress": "string",
"licenseKey": "string",
"password": "string",
"serialNumber": "string",
"sshThumbprint": "string",
"username": "string"
"isEdgeClusterConfiguredForMultiAZ": false,
"networkProfiles": [
"description": "string",
"name": "string",
"nsxtHostSwitchConfigs": [
"ipAddressPoolName": "string",
"uplinkProfileName": "string",
"vdsName": "string",
"vdsUplinkToNsxUplink": [
"nsxUplinkName": "string",
"vdsUplinkName": "string"
"nsxStretchClusterSpec": {
"ipAddressPoolsSpec": [
"description": "string",
"ignoreUnavailableNsxtCluster": false,
"name": "string",
"subnets": [
"cidr": "string",
"gateway": "string",
"ipAddressPoolRanges": [
"end": "string",
"start": "string"
"uplinkProfiles": [
"name": "string",
"supportedTeamingPolicies": {
"supportedTeamingPolicies": "string"
"teamings": [
"activeUplinks": [
"policy": "string",
"standByUplinks": [
"transportVlan": 0
"secondaryAzOverlayVlanId": 0,
"vsanNetworkSpecs": [
"vsanCidr": "string",
"vsanGatewayIP": "string"
"witnessSpec": {
"fqdn": "string",
"vsanCidr": "string",
"vsanIp": "string"
"witnessTrafficSharedWithVsanTraffic": false
List of vSphere host information from the free pool to consume in the workload domain
This parameter is required for stretching the clusters that host Edge Cluster VMs. It is an acknowledgement, that the necessary network configurations are considered for the edge cluster to work with vSAN stretched cluster during a failover.
The network profile to be associated with Secondary AZ Hosts in NSX.
This specification contains NSX configuration for Secondary AZ Hosts
Secondary AZ Overlay Vlan Id. This field is deprecated. The secondary AZ overlay vlan id should be mentioned in the uplinkProfile field instead
Spec contains the Witness host parameters that are part of each stretched cluster
Witness traffic to be shared with vSAN traffic